You are here: Workload monitoring > Monitoring virtual workloads > Monitoring Hyper-V protection jobs > Managing connections for Hyper-V protection workloads

Managing a connection

If you have not done so already, launch the Double-Take Console, then click the Monitor Connections button.

To manage a connection, select a connection in the area at the top of the window, then use the buttons on the Connection Highlights toolbar (in the lower pane) to perform the tasks described in the following table.


You can only manage jobs and connections that were created using Double-Take Console. Jobs created in any other Double-Take interface can only be monitored.

Virtual Recovery Assistant Connection Details Controls

Toolbar Button


Configure—Select a protection, then click the Configure button to open the protection summary for the selected protection. Click the Change button next to setting you want to modify. For more information about changing protection settings, see Setting protection options.

Delete—Select a protection, then click the Delete button to remove configuration information for the selected protection.

When you click the Delete button, you will be prompted to either keep or delete the associated replica virtual machine.

If you no longer want to protect the source and are no longer interested in the target replica, then select the Delete the associated replica virtual machine option. Selecting this option will remove the Double-Take connection and completely delete the replica virtual machine.

If you no longer want to move data from the source to the target but still want to keep the target replica, then select the Keep and register the associated replica virtual machine option. (For instance, you would use this option to ship the VHDs elsewhere and then create a new job between the original source and the remote.) When you select this option, the target will be preserved and registered (provided that it has been fully synchronized). If the target is not fully synchronized, related files will be kept on the target server but will not be registered.

Start protection—Select a protection, then click the Start button to enable protection for the connection. When you click Start, Double-Take begins a difference mirror and replication.

If you have previously stopped protection and then click the Start button for that protection job, Double-Take will check to see if the source server VHD files are the same as the target VHD files. If they are the same, Double-Take will resume protection starting with the Replication cycle, bypassing the synchronization step. If they are not the same but there is a file on the target, Double-Take will perform a difference synchronization.

If you have previously paused protection, the protection job will resume where it left off.

Pause protection—Select a protection, then click the Pause button to pause the protection job.

Stop protection—Select a protection, then click the Stop button to disable protection for the job.

After the initial synchronization has completed, you can use the Stop button to stop protection for a job. This allows the end user to perform a manual failover.

Failover—Select a protection, then click the Failover button to shut down the source virtual machine and start the replica virtual machine.

For more information, see Failing over to the replica virtual machine.

Undo Failover—Select a protection that has already failed over, then click the Undo Failover button to undo the failover of the selected protection.

The state will change to Undoing. When the Undo Failover is complete, the job will re-start as normal.

For more information, see Undoing failover.

View protection error—If the selected protection has encountered any error conditions, click this button to view the most recent error associated with the protection job.

Double-Take Availability for Hyper-V Connection Details Controls

Toolbar Button


Configure Protection—Select a protection, then click the Configure Protection button to open the protection summary for the selected protection. Click the Change button next to setting you want to modify. For more information about changing protection settings, see Setting protection options.

Delete—Select a protection, then click the Delete button to remove configuration information for the selected protection.

When you click the Delete button, you will be prompted to either keep or delete the associated replica virtual machine.

If you no longer want to protect the source and are no longer interested in the target replica, then select the Delete the replica virtual machine files on the target server option. Selecting this option will remove the Double-Take connection and completely delete the replica virtual machine.

If you no longer want to move data from the source to the target but still want to keep the target replica, then select the Keep the replica virtual machine files on the target server option. (For instance, you would use this option to ship the VHDs elsewhere and then create a new job between the original source and the remote.) When you select this option, the target files will be preserved (provided that it has been fully synchronized). If the target is not fully synchronized, related files will be kept on the target server but will not be registered.

Note: Deleting a Double-Take for Hyper-V protection while the source host is offline will not remove the underlying Double-Take connection. If the source comes back online in the future, the Double-Take connection will reconnect, then it will begin sending data to the target. The connection can be removed by opening the Double-Take Replication Console, adding the source server, right-clicking the connection, and clicking on Disconnect. This issue can be avoided entirely by only deleting protections while the source host is available.

Start protection—Select a protection, then click the Start button to enable protection for the protection. When you click Start, Double-Take begins a difference mirror and replication.

If you have previously stopped protection and then click the Start button for that protection job, Double-Take will check to see if the source server VHD files are the same as the target VHD files. If they are the same, Double-Take will resume protection starting with the Replication cycle, bypassing the synchronization step. If they are not the same but there is a file on target, Double-Take will perform a difference synchronization.

If you have previously paused protection, the protection job will resume where it left off.

Pause protection—Select a protection, then click the Pause button to pause the protection job.

Note—All protections that use the same source-to-target route will be paused.

Stop protection—Select a protection, then click the Stop button to disable protection for the job.

After the initial synchronization has completed, you can use the Stop button to stop protection for a job. This allows the end user to perform a manual failover.

Failover—Select a protection, then click the Failover button to shut down the source virtual machine and start the replica virtual machine.

For more information, see Failing over Hyper-V virtual machines.

Undo Failover—Select a protection that has already failed over, then click the Undo Failover button to undo the failover of the selected protection.

The state will change to Undoing. When the Undo Failover is complete, the job will re-start as normal.

For more information, see Undoing Failover.

Reverse protection—Select a protection that has already failed over, then click the Reverse protection button to start the protection in the reverse direction.

The job will start synchronization in the reverse direction. The job name and the log file name will change accordingly. When the restore completes, the job will be running in the opposite direction (that is, if the job had originally been running from server Indy to server Jersey, it will now be running from server Jersey to server Indy).

For more information, see Reversing Failover.

View protection error—If the selected protection has encountered any error conditions, click this button to view the most recent error associated with the protection job.

Connection Details Summary




Name of the server.


What Double-Take Console is currently doing on the server.

Source Server

The name of the source.

Target Server

The name of the target.

Bytes Sent

The total number of mirror and replication bytes that have been transmitted from the source to the target.

Bytes Sent (Compressed)

The total number of compressed mirror and replication bytes that have been transmitted to the target. If compression is disabled, this statistic will be the same as Bytes Sent.

Connected Since

The date and time when the current connection was made.

Protection Type

The type of protection task.

Protection Status

The current status of the protection job.

Protected Volumes

The volume(s) selected to be protected.

Target Path

The volume on the target where the replica virtual machine is stored.

Automatic Failover

Whether automatic failover has been enabled for the connection. If automatic failover is selected and the source virtual machine stops responding, also displays the number of missed responses.

Next step: View connection details