You are here: Failover > Virtual workload failover > Failing over a physical or virtual machine with Hyper-V to a replica virtual machine

Failing over a physical or virtual machine with Hyper-V to a replica virtual machine

If you have not done so already, launch the Double-Take Console, then click the Monitor Connections button to manage failover.

Double-Take Console provides the ability to failover to a replica virtual machine in the event of a failure of the source machine. Source servers may be failed over in two different ways:

The type of failover for the job is selected during job creation. For more information, see Setting protection options.

After the protection job completes the initial synchronization, failover will be enabled. To initiate failover, select the connection and click the Failover button on toolbar at the bottom of the Monitor Connections page.

During the failover process, the following steps are initiated:

  1. The Double-Take connection between the source machine and target Hyper-V host is disconnected.
  2. If you are performing manual failover and the source can be contacted, the source machine is shut down.
  3. The target virtual disk volumes are connected to the replica virtual machine.
  4. The replica virtual machine is powered on.
Note: During manual failover from a normally-functioning source machine, in some cases the replica virtual machine may come online before the source has fully shut down, resulting in an IP address conflict. In most cases, this situation will be resolved once the source machine shutdown is complete.
Undoing failover