You are here: Workload protection > Application protection > SQL Server protection > SQL protection configuration overview

Configuring SQL protection settings

If you have not done so already, launch the Protecting a SQL Server workflow.

To change the default SQL configuration parameters, make sure you have selected a valid source and target, then click Configure from the Manage SQL page. The Configure Protection window will appear

The Configure Protection window has tabs for configuring:

Note: If any important aspect of your configuration changes (for example, service account name change, server IP address change, server logical drive configuration change, recently added server hardware), you should reconfigure protection and, if possible, not re-use the existing configuration in order to capture the new configuration.

If you do not need to change the configuration settings, Validate the configuration, then enable protection.

If you have already enabled protection for a connection and need to change the configuration parameters, you will first need to disable protection.

Next step: Configure failover settings

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