You are here: Workload protection > Application protection > Validating an application workload protection

Validate the configuration

If you have not done so already, launch the Double-Take Availability Application Manager by selecting Start, Programs, Double-Take, Availability, Double-Take Availability Application Manager.

Click Validate, or select Actions, Validate, to ensure that the source and target servers are configured correctly for failover. A description of the validation activity being performed is displayed in the status bar at the bottom of the Application Manager window, along with status progress indicator. When validation completes, the status progress indicator is removed.


Validation Status



Error, Fixable—If not fixed, failover cannot occur. Can be fixed by Application Manager.

Error, Not Fixable—If not fixed, failover cannot occur. Must be fixed manually.

Warning, Fixable—The Application Manager detected an issue that should be addressed prior to failover. Can be fixed by Application Manager.

Warning, Not Fixable—The Application Manager detected an issue that should be addressed prior to failover. Must be fixed manually.


  • If you run a validation against a source/target pair that is in a Protected state and the validation detects issues with the target (such as the target is missing or contains incorrect data), the Fix or Fix All button will be disabled. You must disable protection for the source/target pair before you can fix the issue. Then, you can re-enable protection.
  • If the IP address(es) for the source or target server have changed since you originally configured protection (for example, if you configure the source or target in a staging area and then send it to a production location), you must re-configure the protection settings. When you are prompted to re-use the previous protection configuration, click No, then click the Configure Protection button.
  • If you are configuring protection for a SQL database using Database Only mode and the database is online on the target, the database cannot be taken offline on the target by using the Fix function if it has a SQL Server replication publication. The publication will have to be deleted using the SQL Server management tools before the database can be taken offline.
  • For SQL 2000 servers, the Application Manager may hang when validation is re-run after disabling protection in the same session. To work around this issue, after disabling the protection, stop then restart the Application Manager, then validate or enable protection.

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