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Reversing full server jobs manually

If you did not enable reverse protection, your source is a domain controller, or if you have to rebuild your source, you have two options after a failover. You can continue running from the failed over server indefinitely. This server is your source (running on the original target hardware) and you can protect it to a new target. Your other option is to go back to the original hardware. Without reverse protection, you have to complete this process manually, which can be difficult.

Preparation of your original source hardware or a new server is key to this manual process. The type of preparation required will depend on the role of the original source server, the applications that were used on the original server, whether the original source was a physical or virtual server, and the failure or event that occurred.


Collapsed1A. Preparing a new server by reinstalling Windows
Collapsed1B. Reusing your original source hardware
Collapsed2. Mirroring and replicating from the source to the original source hardware or new server and failing over