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DTSetup menus

The following lists is an overview of the DTSetup menu system. Reference the links for complete details on completing tasks in DTSetup.

  1. Setup tasks—Activation codes, security groups, replication configuration, server configuration, and driver performance settings. See Setup tasks.
    1. Set Activation Code Menu—See Activating your server.
    2. Add/Remove users to Double-Take groups—See Adding users to security groups.
    3. Configure File System or Block Device Replication—There are three types of replication configurations for your source server. See Replication configuration.
      1. (DEPRECATED) Configure File System Replication setup file—See Configuring file system replication.
      2. Configure Block Device Replication setup file—See Configuring block device replication.
      3. (DEPRECATED) Manual Replication Configuration menu—See Configuring file system replication and Configuring block device replication.
      4. (DEPRECATED) Full Server Replication Configuration menu—This option is no longer being used.
    4. Edit Double-Take config file—See Configuring server settings.
    5. Configure Double-Take driver performance—See Configuring driver performance settings.
  2. Start/Stop Double-Take daemon—See Starting and stopping the daemon.
  3. Start User Interface (DTCL -i)—See Starting DTCL.
  4. Documentation/Troubleshooting tasks—See Viewing documentation and troubleshooting tools.

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