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DTSetup menus
The following lists is an overview of the DTSetup menu system. Reference the links for complete details on completing tasks in DTSetup.
- Setup tasks—Activation codes, security groups, replication configuration, server configuration, and driver performance settings. See Setup tasks.
- Set Activation Code Menu—See Activating your server.
- Add/Remove users to Double-Take groups—See Adding users to security groups.
- Configure File System or Block Device Replication—There are three types of replication configurations for your source server. See Replication configuration.
- (DEPRECATED) Configure File System Replication setup file—See Configuring file system replication.
- Configure Block Device Replication setup file—See Configuring block device replication.
- (DEPRECATED) Manual Replication Configuration menu—See Configuring file system replication and Configuring block device replication.
- (DEPRECATED) Full Server Replication Configuration menu—This option is no longer being used.
- Edit Double-Take config file—See Configuring server settings.
- Configure Double-Take driver performance—See Configuring driver performance settings.
- Start/Stop Double-Take daemon—See Starting and stopping the daemon.
- Start User Interface (DTCL -i)—See Starting DTCL.
- Documentation/Troubleshooting tasks—See Viewing documentation and troubleshooting tools.
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