You are here: DTSetup > Viewing documentation and troubleshooting tools

Viewing documentation and troubleshooting tools

  1. Start DTSetup.
  2. Select Documentation/Troubleshooting tasks.
  3. Select View log files to view the following log files. Double-Take Availability logs alerts, which are processing notifications, warnings, and error messages. The logs are written to disk.
  4. Select one of the Collect and package diagnostic info selections to run the DTInfo script which collects configuration data. This can be useful when reporting problems to technical support. Depending on the diagnostic option you select, the amount of data to be collected varies between basic, detailed and full diagnostic information. You must have root (or uid 0 equivalent) to execute the diagnostics or to copy or read the resulting file.
  5. Select View user documentation to view Double-Take Availability product documentation and several legal documents. DTSetup attempts to determine your viewers, although you can specify your viewer.
  6. When you have completed your documentation and troubleshooting tasks, press Q as many times as needed to return back to the main menu or to exit DTSetup.