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Starting and stopping the daemon
The Double-Take daemon will start automatically after Double-Take Availability is installed and the server is rebooted. You can start and stop the Double-Take daemon using this built-in DTSetup script.
- Start DTSetup.
- Select Start/Stop Double-Take daemon.
- Select the necessary menu option to start or stop the daemon and handle the driver configuration.
- Start Double-Take and process driver config—This option starts the Double-Take daemon and loads the Double-Take drivers.
- Stop Double-Take but preserve driver config—This option stops the Double-Take daemon but does not unload the Double-Take drivers.
- Restart service but preserve driver config—This option does a full stop and start of the Double-Take daemon but does not unload the Double-Take drivers.
- Restart service and reset driver config—This option does a full stop and start, completely unloading the Double-Take daemon and Double-Take drivers and then reloading them.
- Stop the running service and teardown driver config—This option stops the Double-Take daemon and the Double-Take drivers are unloaded.
- Go to Replication Configuration menu—This option takes you to Setup Tasks, Configure File System or Block Device Replication, (DEPRECATED) Manual Replication Configuration menu. When you press Q to exit from that menu, you will return this menu.
- When you have completed your starting and stopping tasks, press Q as many times as needed to return back to the main menu or to exit DTSetup.