You are here: DTSetup > Setup tasks > Configuring server settings

Configuring server settings

Server settings are available in various places. You can access them via the Replication Console, through DTCL, or through DTSetup. Initially, the server settings file, /etc/DT/DT.conf, on the source and target is blank. To populate it with default values, start and stop the Double-Take daemon once.

  1. Start DTSetup.
  2. Select Setup tasks.
  3. Select Edit Double-Take config file.
  4. The server settings are listed in alphabetical order. Make modifications as necessary, using the control keys specified at the bottom of the page. For a complete list of each server setting, valid values, default values, and optional notes, see Server Settings in the Scripting Guide.
  5. Press control-X to exit the configuration file.
  6. Enter Yes or No to save any changes.
  7. Press Q as many times as needed to return back to the main menu or to exit DTSetup.