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The jobs displayed in the right pane depend on the server group folder selected in the left pane. Every job for each server in your console session is displayed when the Jobs on All Servers group is selected. If you have created and populated server groups (see Managing servers), then only the jobs associated with the server or target servers in that server group will be displayed in the right pane.
The top pane displays high-level overview information about your jobs.
Column 1 (Blank)
The first blank column indicates the state of the job.
The job is in a healthy state.
The job is in a warning state. This icon is also displayed on any server groups that you have created that contain a job in a warning state.
The job is in an error state. This icon is also displayed on any server groups that you have created that contain a job in an error state.
The job is in an unknown state.
The name of the job
Source Server
The name of the source.
Target Server
The name of the target.
Job Type
Each job type has a unique job type name. This job is a SQL Server job. For a complete list of all job type names, press F1 to view the Double-Take Console online help.
There are many different Activity messages that keep you informed of the job activity. Most of the activity messages are informational and do not require any administrator interaction. If you see error messages, check the job details. Keep in mind that Idle indicates console to server activity is idle, not that your servers are idle.
Mirror Status
Replication Status
Transmit Mode
The details displayed in the bottom pane of the Manage Jobs page provide additional information for the job highlighted in the top pane. If you select multiple jobs, the details for the first selected job will be displayed.
The name of the job
Target data state
Mirror remaining
The total number of mirror bytes that are remaining to be sent from the source to the target
Replication queue
The total number of replication bytes in the source queue
Disk queue
The amount of disk space being used to queue data on the source
Bytes sent
The total number of mirror and replication bytes that have been transmitted to the target
Bytes sent (compressed)
The total number of compressed mirror and replication bytes that have been transmitted to the target. If compression is disabled, this statistic will be the same as Bytes sent.
Connected since
The date and time indicating when the current job was made. This field is blank, indicating that a TCP/IP socket is not present, when the job is waiting on transmit options or if the transmission has been stopped. This field will maintain the date and time, indicating that a TCP/IP socket is present, when transmission has been paused.
Recent activity
Displays the most recent activity for the selected job, along with an icon indicating the success or failure of the last initiated activity. Click the link to see a list of recent activities for the selected job. You can highlight an activity in the list to display additional details about the activity.
Additional information
Depending on the current state of your job, you may see additional information displayed to keep you informed about the progress and status of your job. If there is no additional information, you will see (None) displayed.
You can control your job through the toolbar buttons available on the Manage jobs page. If you select multiple jobs, some of the controls will apply only to the first selected job, while others will apply to all of the selected jobs. For example, View Job Details will only show details for the first selected job, while Stop will stop protection for all of the selected jobs.
If you want to control just one job, you can also right click on that job and access the controls from the pop-up menu.
Create a New Job
This button leaves the Manage Jobs page and opens the Get Started page.
View Job Details
This button leaves the Manage Jobs page and opens the View Job Details page.
Stops (if running) and deletes the selected jobs.
Provide Credentials
Changes the login credentials for one or both servers in the selected job. This button opens the Provide Credentials dialog box where you can specify the new account information and which servers you want to update. See Providing server credentials. You will remain on the Manage Jobs page after updating the server credentials.
View Recent Activity
Displays the recent activity list for the selected job. Highlight an activity in the list to display additional details about the activity.
Starts or resumes the selected jobs.
If you have previously stopped protection, the job will restart mirroring and replication.
If you have previously paused protection, the job will continue mirroring and replication from where it left off, as long as the Double-Take queue was not exhausted during the time the job was paused. If the Double-Take queue was exhausted during the time the job was paused, the job will restart mirroring and replication.
Also if you have previously paused protection, all jobs from the same source to the same IP address on the target will be resumed.
Pauses the selected jobs. Data will be queued on the source while the job is paused.
All jobs from the same source to the same IP address on the target will be paused.
Stops the selected jobs. The jobs remain available in the console, but there will be no mirroring or replication data transmitted from the source to the target. Mirroring and replication data will not be queued on the source while the job is stopped, requiring a remirror when the job is restarted. The type of remirror will depend on your job settings.
Take Snapshot
Even if you have scheduled the snapshot process, you can run it manually any time. If an automatic or scheduled snapshot is currently in progress, Double-Take will wait until that one is finished before taking the manual snapshot.
Snapshots are not applicable to clustered environments.
Manage Snapshots
Allows you to manage your snapshots by taking and deleting snapshots for the selected job. See Managing snapshots for more information.
Snapshots are not applicable to clustered environments.
Failover or Cutover
Starts the failover process. See Failing over SQL jobs for the process and details of failing over a SQL job.
Starts the failback process. See Restoring then failing back SQL jobs for the process and details of failing back a SQL job.
Starts the restoration process. See Restoring then failing back SQL jobs for the process and details of restoring a SQL job.
Reverses protection. Reverse protection does not apply to SQL jobs.
Undo Failover
Cancels a test failover by undoing it. Undo failover does not apply to clustered jobs. See Failing over SQL jobs for details on undoing a test failover.
View Job Log
Opens the job log. On the right-click menu, this option is called View Logs, and you have the option of opening the job log, source server log, or target server log. See Viewing the log files through the Double-Take Console for details on all three of these logs.
Other Job Actions
Mirroring—You can start, stop, pause and resume mirroring for any job that is running.
When pausing a mirror, Double-Take stops queuing mirror data on the source but maintains a pointer to determine what information still needs to be mirrored to the target. Therefore, when resuming a paused mirror, the process continues where it left off.
When stopping a mirror, Double-Take stops queuing mirror data on the source and does not maintain a pointer to determine what information still needs to be mirrored to the target. Therefore, when starting a mirror that has been stopped, you will need to decide what type of mirror to perform.
Mirror only if the file on the source is newer than the copy on the target—Only those protected files that are newer on the source are mirrored to the target.
If you are using a database application or are protecting a domain controller, do not use this option unless you know for certain that you need it. With database applications and because domain controllers store their data in a database, it is critical that all files, not just some of the files that might be newer, get mirrored.
Calculate size of protected data before mirroring—Specify if you want Double-Take to determine the mirroring percentage calculation based on the amount of data being protected. If the calculation is enabled, it is completed before the job starts mirroring, which can take a significant amount of time depending on the number of files and system performance. If your job contains a large number of files, for example, 250,000 or more, you may want to disable the calculation so that data will start being mirrored sooner. Disabling calculation will result in the mirror status not showing the percentage complete or the number of bytes remaining to be mirrored.
The calculated amount of protected data may be slightly off if your data set contains compressed or sparse files.
Mirror only if the file on the source is newer than the copy on the target—Only those protected files that are newer on the source are mirrored to the target.
If you are using a database application or are protecting a domain controller, do not use this option unless you know for certain that you need it. With database applications and because domain controllers store their data in a database, it is critical that all files, not just some of the files that might be newer, get mirrored.
Target—You can pause the target, which queues any incoming Double-Take data from the source on the target. All active jobs to that target will complete the operations already in progress. Any new operations will be queued on the target until the target is resumed. The data will not be committed until the target is resumed. Pausing the target only pauses Double-Take processing, not the entire server.
While the target is paused, the Double-Take target cannot queue data indefinitely. If the target queue is filled, data will start to queue on the source. If the source queue is filled, Double-Take will automatically disconnect the connections and attempt to reconnect them.
If you have multiple jobs to the same target, all jobs from the same source will be paused and resumed.
Select a filter option from the drop-down list to only display certain jobs. You can display Healthy jobs, Jobs with warnings, or Jobs with errors. To clear the filter, select All jobs. If you have created and populated server groups, then the filter will only apply to the jobs associated with the server or target servers in that server group. See Managing servers.
Type a server name
Displays only jobs that contain the text you entered. If you have created and populated server groups, then only jobs that contain the text you entered associated with the server or target servers in that server group will be displayed. See Managing servers.
Overflow Chevron
Displays any toolbar buttons that are hidden from view when the window size is reduced.