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Managing snapshots

A snapshot is an image of the source replica data on the target taken at a single point in time. Snapshots allow you to view files and folders as they existed at points of time in the past, so you can, for example, recover from cases where corrupted source data was replicated to the target. For some Double-Take job types, when failover is triggered, you can use the live target data at the time of failover or you can failover to a snapshot of the target data.

  1. From the Manage Jobs page, highlight the job and click Manage Snapshots in the toolbar.
  2. You will see the list of snapshots, if any, associated with the job.
  3. Click Take Snapshot to create a new snapshot for the job.
  4. If there is a snapshot that you no longer need, highlight it in the list and click Delete.
  5. When you have completed your snapshot management, click Close.

If you have already failed over, the failover process will remove any Double-Take snapshots from the list. You will need to manage them manually using VSS. See your VSS documentation for more details.


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