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Protecting a BlackBerry server

To configure protection for a consolidated one-to-one configuration of your BlackBerry servers using the Application Manager, you will complete the following steps:

  1. Install Microsoft SQL Server on the source, if it is not already installed.


Microsoft recommends that all service packs be installed independently for each source and target instance. This ensures that operating system files and registry entries are applied appropriately.

  1. Install BlackBerry Enterprise Server on the source.
  2. Install Microsoft SQL Server on the target, if it is not already installed.



Having two BlackBerry Enterprise Servers running at the same time with the same SRP (Server Routing Protocol) key disables that particular SRP key. If the SRP key is disabled, wireless communication with BlackBerry devices will not function.

  1. Verify that BlackBerry Enterprise Server is shut down on the source server. Otherwise, when installing the target you must reply No to start the BES services at the end of the installation.
  2. Install BlackBerry Enterprise Server on the target, using the same values for BlackBerry server name, Windows login information, and database name that you used for the source. The SQL Server name will be the hostname of the target machine, not the source machine.
  3. Stop the following BlackBerry Enterprise Server services so that the Double-Take Availability source can replicate the changes to the target. These may vary based on your environment.
  1. Install Double-Take Availability on the source and target servers using the installation defaults.
  2. Launch the BlackBerry Server protection workflow.
  3. Select a domain.
  4. Select source and target servers.
  5. (Optional) Configure protection settings.
  6. Validate the configuration.

To protect your BlackBerry server, you will complete the following steps:

  1. Enable protection.
  2. Monitor protection status.

In the event of a failure, you will need to perform some additional tasks. These tasks are described in Failover, Failback, and Restoration.

Next step: Launch BlackBerry protection workflow