You are here: Workload protection > Application protection > Enabling protection for an application server > Enable protection for an application workload

Enable protection

If you have not done so already, launch the Application Manager by selecting Start, Programs, Double-Take, Availability, Double-Take Availability Application Manager.

Click Enable Protection. If you have not already performed a validation check, if you have changed the domain, source, target, or configuration parameters, or if you have disabled the connection, you will be prompted to run a validation check at this time. The Protection Status field will display the current status of the connection. When the initial mirror has completed, the Protection Status will change to Protected and, if you have not manually un-selected Failover Enabled, the Monitoring Status will change to Enabled.

  • When you select "Enable Protection", there may be a delay before the Application Manager begins to update the Protection Status progress. During this delay, the hourglass icon will be displayed.
  • When using Exchange or SQL Server clusters, if the target cluster has more than one IP resource for the virtual Exchange or SQL Server, and the IP address for one of them is not routable from the source server AND was created before any of the routable IP resources, the Application Manager will fail to enable protection. To enable protection, you will need to delete the non-routable IP resource(s), re-create them, and then re-add them as dependencies on the network name resource for the virtual server

A source server can have a Protected status only if the source is currently connected to a target and an Application Manager-generated replication set exists. The following table lists the Application Manager-generated replication set names.


Replication set name


xdag01_<source server name>_<target server name>


sqldag01_<source server name>_<target server name>

File server

fileprint_<source server name>_<target server name>


BB_<source server>_<target server>


SharePointdag01_<source server name>_<target server name>

While there may be other Double-Take Availability connections between the selected source and target, Application Manager only recognizes connections that it has created.

Any connection that has been built by Application Manager will be recognized as a valid connection, regardless of the connection state.


If you modify your configuration on the source server (such as adding a new storage group or database to a directory that was not included in the replication set), you must disable protection, run validation and fix any issues, then re-enable protection to apply the changes to the Application Manager replication set.

Next step: Failover

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