You are here: Setting up the Flex Clients > Installing the Flex Windows Client

Installing the Double-Take Flex Windows Client

Double-Take Flex includes a Double-Take Flex Client package that installs the following components on clients that have an OS installed:

To install the Flex Client, perform the following steps:

  1. On the Flex Client, insert the Double-Take Flex DVD.

  1. Click Double-Take Flex.

  1. Select Install Flex Client (Windows).  

  1. On the Welcome page, click Next.

  1. On the License Agreement page, read the license agreement. To continue with the installation, click I accept the terms in the license agreement, then click Next.

  1. On the Choose Destination Location page, select the directory location where you want the software installed:

  1. On the Ready to Install the Program page, click Install.

The installation program shows the progress of the installation.

If the Microsoft boot-capable initiator is installed, the following dialog box is displayed where you must select a network adapter during installation.

If the Microsoft iSCSI Initiator Installation prompts you to restart the client, delay the restart until after completing the installation of the Double-Take Flex Windows Client.

  1. On the InstallShield Wizard Complete page, click Finish.

If you are prompted to reboot the Double-Take Flex Client computer after installation, ensure that the BIOS is configured to boot from the local hard drive (not PXE) before rebooting the Double-Take Flex Client.

After you reboot, the New Client Wizard launches automatically.


MPIO support is implemented in the Microsoft iSCSI initiator. Please refer to Microsoft documentation for details.