You are here: Full server to ESX appliance protection > Failing over full server to ESX appliance jobs

Failing over full server to ESX appliance jobs

You will be notified in the console when a failover condition has been met. At this time, you should trigger failover. You can also trigger failover at any other time you desire, thus allowing you to better control the failover process.

  1. On the Manage Jobs page, highlight the job that you want to failover and click Failover or Cutover in the toolbar.
  2. Select the type of failover to perform.
  3. Select how you want to handle the data in the target queue. You may want to check the amount of data in queue on the target by reviewing the Statistics.
  4. When you are ready to begin failover, click Failover.

If you need to update DNS after failover, there is a sample DNS update script located in /etc/DT/sysprep.d. You may need to modify the script for your environment. If you need basic assistance with script modifications, contact Technical Support. Assistance with advanced scripting will be referred to Professional Services.

There is no reverse or failback once you have failed over.


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