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Running scripts during mirroring

You can customize your mirroring process by running customized scripts on the target at predefined points in the mirroring process. Scripts may contain any valid Windows command, executable, batch, or script file. The scripts are processed using the same account running the Double-Take service, unless you provide specific credentials on the Server Properties Script Credentials tab for the target server. There are three types of mirroring scripts.

  1. Open the Replication Console.
  2. Right-click the connection on the right pane of the Replication Console and select Connection Manager.
  3. Select the Scripts tab.

  1. For each of the three predefined points in the mirroring process, specify the following information.
  1. Click OK to save the settings.
  2. Note: Mirror scripts are dependent on the target and target path location of a connection. Therefore, if you establish mirror scripts for one connection and then establish additional connections to the same target using the same target path location, the mirror scripts will automatically be applied to those subsequent connections. If you select a different target path location, the mirror scripts will have to be reconfigured for the new connection(s).

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