You are here: Workload protection > Data protection > Server settings > E-mailing event messages

E-mailing event messages

You can e-mail Double-Take Availability event messages to specific addresses. The subject of the e-mail will contain an optional prefix, the server name where the message was logged, the message ID, and the severity level (information, warning, or error). The text of the message will be displayed in the body of the e-mail message.

  1. Open the Replication Console and right-click the server on the left pane of the Replication Console.
  2. Select Properties.
  3. Select the E-mail Notification tab.

  1. Select Enable notification.
  2. Note: Any specified notification settings are retained when Enable notification is disabled.
  3. Specify your e-mail settings.

If desired, enter unique text for the Subject Prefix which will be inserted at the front of the subject line for each Double-Take Availability e-mail message. This will help distinguish Double-Take Availability messages from other messages. This field is optional.

If desired, enable Add event description to subject to have the description of the message appended to the end of the subject line. This field is optional.

  1. Click OK to save the settings.

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