Viewing server details

If you have not done so already, launch the Double-Take Console.

On the View Server Details page, you can view information about the licensing and connections for a server.

  1. Navigate to the Manage Servers page by clicking the Manage Servers button on the main toolbar.
  2. Select a server.
  3. Click the View Server Details button. The View Server Details page will appear.

  1. The following table describes the information displayed on the View Server Details page.
Server Details

Server Information



Name or IP address of the server.


State of the client communication to the server.


  • Connection pending—A connection has been configured but has not yet been established.
  • ConnectingDouble-Take Console is establishing communication with the server.
  • AuthenticatingDouble-Take Console is verifying credentials with the server.
  • PollingDouble-Take Console is gathering data from the server.
  • IdleDouble-Take Console is not presently generating any activity on the server.
  • Cannot connect to serverDouble-Take Console cannot communicate with Double-Take on the server.
  • Name resolution failedDouble-Take Console cannot find a server with this name.
  • Automatically detect protocol—The console automatically determined the protocol type to use to communicate with the server.
  • XML web services protocol—XML web services is the protocol being used to communicate with the server. This server should be running Double-Take Availability version 5.2 or later.
  • Legacy protocolDouble-Take legacy, proprietary protocol is being used to communicate with the server. This server should be running Double-Take version 5.1 or earlier.
Port The port used for communication with the server


The product version running on the server.

Activation code

Activation code for the server.

Expiration date

Expiration date for the activation code.


Security role for the provided credentials.

User name

The account used to access the server.

Source connections

Double-click on a connection in the Source connections list to view details of that connection.

Target connections

Double-click on a connection in the Target connections list to view details of that connection.

  1. Click Provide Credentials in the Tasks area to update the credentials for the server. For more information, see Modifying credentials.
  2. Click View events on this server in the Tasks area to view events for the server. For more information, see Viewing server events.

Viewing server events

On the View server events page, you can view the Double-Take event messages logged to the Windows Event Viewer. There are several ways to access the View Server Events page.

Each event is displayed on the View Server Events page.

View a complete list of all Double-Take events

Event Information

Connection Detail



Severity level of the event (information, warning, or error).


Date and time that the event was logged.


ID code for the event as assigned by Double-Take Console.


The software that logged the event, which can be either an application or a component of the system, such as a driver.


A description of the event.

Event Filter Controls

Toolbar Buttons


Filter—Select an option from the drop-down list to filter the events shown on the View Server Events page.

  • All Events—Displays all events.
  • Information events—Displays only events with a severity of Information.
  • Warning events—Displays only those events with a severity of warning.
  • Error events—Displays only those events with a severity of error.

View warning events—Click this button to view only those events with a severity of warning.

View error events—Click this button to view only those events with a severity of error.