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Configuring source data processing options

  1. Open the Replication Console and right-click the server on the left pane of the Replication Console.
  2. Select Properties
  3. Select the Source tab.

  1. Specify how the source will process data.

If you enable this option, make sure that the same groups and users exist on the target as they do on the source. Additionally, you must enable this option on your target server before starting a restoration, because the target is acting like a source during a restoration.

Enabling this option may have an impact on the rate at which Double-Take Availability can commit data on the target. File security attributes are sent to the target during mirroring and replication. The target must obtain the security ID (SID) for the users and groups that are assigned permissions, which takes some time. If the users and groups are not on the target server, the delay can be substantial. The performance impact enabling this option will have will vary depending on the type of file activity and other variables. For instance, it will not affect the overall performance of large database files much (since there is a lot of data, but only a few file permissions), but may affect the performance of user files significantly (since there are often thousands of files, each with permissions). In general, the performance impact will only be noticed during mirrors since that is when the target workload is greatest.

Regardless of the security model you are using, if you create new user accounts on the source, you should start a remirror so the new user account information associated with any files in your replication set can be transmitted to the target.

  1. Click OK to save the settings.

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