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Calculating replication set size

While Double-Take Availability is mirroring, the right pane of the Replication Console displays statistics to keep you informed of its progress. If the size of the replication set is determined before the mirror is started, Double-Take Availability can display the percentage of the replication set that has been mirrored in the Mirror Status column. If the size was not calculated prior to starting the mirror, the column displays Mirroring.

  1. Open the Replication Console.
  2. Right-click on the replication set icon and select Properties. The Replication Set Properties dialog box appears.
  3. Select the Size tab.

  1. If the replication set size has never been determined, click Calculate. If the replication set has previously been determined, the button will be labeled Recalculate. Depending on user activity, the size shown may not accurately reflect the current size of the replication set. If changes are occurring to files in the replication set while the calculation is being made, the actual size may differ slightly. The amount of data is determined at the exact time the calculation is made.
  2. Click OK to return to the Replication Console.
  3. Note:

    You can also configure the replication set calculation when establishing a connection through the Connection Manager by selecting Calculate Replication Set size on connection on the Mirroring tab.

    If your replication set contains a large number of files, for example, ten thousand or more, you may want to disable the calculation of the replication set size so that data will start being mirrored sooner. If calculation is enabled, the source calculates the file size before it starts mirroring. This can take a significant amount of time depending on the number of files and system performance. Disabling calculation will result in the mirror status not showing the percentage complete or the number of bytes remaining to be mirrored.

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