The first time you start the console, the Servers page is empty. In order to protect and monitor your servers, you must insert your servers and/or appliances in the console.
Server—This is the name or IP address of the server or appliance to be added to the console.
If you enter the source server's fully-qualified domain name, the Double-Take Console will resolve the entry to the server short name. If that short name resides in two different domains, this could result in name resolution issues. In this case, enter the IP address of the server.
If you are using a NAT environment, make sure you add your server to the Double-Take Console using the correct public or private IP address. The name or IP address you use to add a server to the console is dependent on where you are running the console. Specify the private IP address of any servers on the same side of the router as the console. Specify the public IP address of any servers on the other side of the router as the console.
If you are using domain credentials for your Double-Take servers and you change those credentials, you will continue to receive a Windows Security pop-up in the Double-Take Console, even if you enter correctly updated credentials in the pop-up. This is an unavoidable Windows WCF communication issue, and you must update the credentials for the Double-Take servers in the Double-Take Console Servers page in order to terminate the repeated pop-ups.
When your list of Servers to be added is complete, click OK.
You can share the console server and group configuration between machines that have the Double-Take Console installed. The console server configuration includes the server group configuration, server name, server communications ports, and other internal processing information.
To export a server and group configuration file, select File, Export Servers. Specify a file name and click Save. After the configuration file is exported, you can import it to another console.
When you are importing a console server and group configuration file from another console, you will not lose or overwrite any servers that already exist in the console. For example, if you have server alpha in your console and you insert a server configuration file that contains servers alpha and beta, only the server beta will be inserted. Existing group names will not be merged, so you may see duplicate server groups that you will have to manually update as desired.
To import a server and group configuration file, select File, Import Servers. Locate the console configuration file saved from the other machine and click Open.