You are here: Protection monitoring > Log files > Viewing the Double-Take Availability log file through the Replication Console

Viewing the Double-Take Availability log file through the Replication Console

In addition to the statistics and status shown in the Replication Console, you can also open a message window to view the Double-Take Availability log file.

  1. Open a new message window using any of the following methods.
  2. Repeat step 1 if you want to open multiple message windows.

    The standard appearance of the message window is a white background. If your message window has a gray background, the window is inactive. The Replication Console may have lost communications with that server, for example, or you may no longer be logged into that server.

    The message window is limited to the most recent 1000 lines. If any data is missing an entry in red will indicate the missing data. Regardless of the state of the message window, all data is maintained in the Double-Take Availability log on the server.


  3. To control the window after it is created, use one of the following methods to access the control methods listed in the following table.
  4. To change which server you are viewing messages for, select a different machine from the drop down list on the toolbar. If necessary, the login process will be initiated.
  5. To move the message window to other locations on your desktop, click and drag it to another area or double-click it to automatically undock it from the Replication Console.

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