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Log files
Various Double-Take Availability components (Double-Take service, Replication Console, Failover Control Center, and the Command Line Client) generate a log file to gather alerts, which are notification, warning, and error messages. The log files are written to disk.
Each log file consists of a base name, a series number, and an extension.
- Base Name—The base name is determined by the application or process that is running.
- Double-Take Availability—dtlog
- Replication Console—mc
- Failover Control Center—fcc
- Command Line Client—dtcl
- Series Number—The series number ranges from 1 to 999. For example, Double-Take Availability begins logging messages to dtlog1. When this file reaches its maximum size, the next log file will be written to dtlog2. As long as log messages continue to be written, files dtlog3, dtlog4, dtlog5 will be opened and filled. When the maximum number of files is reached, which by default is 5, the oldest file is deleted when the sixth file is created. For example, when dtlog6 is created, dtlog1 is deleted and when dtlog7 is created, dtlog2 is deleted. When file dtlog999 is created and filled, dtlog1 will be re-created and Double-Take Availability will continue writing log messages to that file. In the event that a file cannot be removed, its number will be kept in the list, and on each successive file remove, the log writer will attempt to remove the oldest file in the list.
- Extension—The extension for each log file is .dtl.
- Double-Take Availability—dtlog1.dtl, dtlog2.dtl
- Replication Console—mc1.dtl, mc2.dtl
- Failover Control Center—fcc1.dtl, fcc2.dtl
- Command Line Client—dtcl1.dtl, dtcl2.dtl
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