You are here: Installation and activation > License management and activation > Managing Double-Take license inventory

Managing the Double-Take license inventory

You can manage your Double-Take licenses through the license inventory feature in the Double-Take Console. Ideally, you should select one machine in your organization where you want to maintain the license inventory because the license inventory does not communicate between machines.

By default, the license inventory feature is enabled. You can, and should, disable it on machines that are not maintaining your license inventory. To disable the license inventory, select Options from the console toolbar, deselect Enable license inventory, and click Save.

To manage your license inventory, select Go, Manage License Inventory.

The license inventory feature may not appear in your console if your service provider has restricted access to it.


You will see the following fields on the Manage License Inventory page.


Warning or error icon

Warnings indicate the license has not been activated, or it is temporary and will expire. Errors indicate the license has expired.

Serial Number

The serial number associated with the license


The Double-Take product associated with the license

License Type

A short description of the type of license, including any expiration date or quantity information


The product version number associated with the license


The name of the server the license has been applied to, if any. If the same activation code is used on multiple servers, for example with evaluation licenses, you will see multiple entries in the license inventory for each server that is using that activation code.



Use the following toolbar controls to manage your licenses.


Import Licenses

Imports all of the activation codes from a license inventory file into the license inventory. This is a file you may have received from Vision Solutions, or it may be from another Double-Take Console. Depending on the information contained in the file, you may be prompted to activate some of the servers in your license inventory.

Export Licenses

Exports all of the activation codes in the license inventory to a license inventory file. This is a file that you may want to send to Vision Solutions when upgrading codes for a newer release or when activating or deactivating licenses. In this case go to You may also need to upload a file to to complete host-transfers. You may also want this file so you can store and back up your activation codes.

Add Licenses

Allows you to manually enter your activation codes. Enter the activation codes in the Add Licenses dialog box in the space provided, separating multiple codes by a comma or by putting each code on a separate line. Once your activation codes are in your license inventory, you can apply them to a server in several ways. See Activating a single Double-Take server or See Activating multiple Double-Take servers.

Remove License

Removes the selected activation code from the license inventory. You can only remove activation codes that are not being used by any server in the console.

Reclaim License

Reclaims the selected activation code back into the license inventory. You may want to reclaim a license if you have removed it from a server or if the server it is assigned to is no longer managed by the console. You can also reclaim a license on any server that is still managed but the Double-Take Console cannot communicate with. If communication becomes successful later on, it will be reassigned to the server.


Activates and deactivates the activation codes in the license inventory. For complete details on this process, see Activating multiple Double-Take servers and Deactivating Double-Take licenses.


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