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GeoCluster protection

Review the GeoCluster requirements and then proceed with your GeoCluster protection using the following steps, in order.

  1. Configure a cluster that does not require shared storage. This configuration includes:

    See Configuring a cluster for GeoCluster for the correct order of these cluster configuration steps, which is dependent on your operating system.

  2. Create a new cluster group using the option Create an empty service or application. This will be the group name for the application.
  3. Create a GeoCluster Replicated Disk resource in your application group. See Creating a GeoCluster Replicated Disk resource.
  4. Install your application specifying the application group for the server, database instance, or name that your application requires. For example, if you were using Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2, you would use the following installation procedure.
    1. SQL 2008 installation on the first node
      1. Select New SQL Server failover cluster installation.
      2. Select Features to install.
      3. Provide the SQL Server Network Name and Instance ID.
      4. Select the disk resource, which is the GeoCluster Replicated Disk resource that you created.
      5. Provide an IP address for the network resource.
      6. Complete the remaining installation steps using your SQL Server documentation.
    2. SQL 2008 installation on additional node(s)
      1. Select Add node to SQL Server failover cluster.
      2. For the cluster configuration, select the SQL Server instance name from the installation on the first node.
      3. Complete the remaining installation steps using your SQL Server documentation.
  5. After the application installation is complete, edit the properties of the resources for your application and make them dependent on the GeoCluster Replicated Disk resource, if needed. This will ensure that the replicated data (as opposed to shared storage) is available before your application starts. In the SQL example, the installation will automatically set the dependencies.