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Viewing server events
Highlight a server on the Manage Servers page and click View Server Events from the toolbar. The View Server Events page displays the same messages that are logged to the Windows Event Viewer. The list of events are displayed in the top pane of the page, although the description is limited. When you highlight an event, the event details, including the full description, are displayed in the bottom pane of the page.
- Severity—An icon and/or text that classifies the event, such as Error, Warning, Information, Success Audit, or Failure Audit.
- Time—The date and time the event occurred.
- ID—An identification number to help identify and track event messages.
- Source—The component that logged the event.
- Description—The event details.
You can filter the events displayed by using the Filter drop-down list or the View Warning Events and View Error Events toolbar buttons. To clear a filter, select All events in the Filter drop-down list. See Event messages for a complete list of the service and driver event messages.
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