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Statistics logging is the process of taking snapshots of Double-Take statistical data. The data can be written to a file for future use. Changes to the statistics file configuration are detected and applied immediately without restarting the Double-Take service.

The statistics log file created is a binary file. To view the log file, you must run the DTStat utility from the command prompt.

Sample DTStat output


0/11/10 12:48:05:2040



IQALLOCATOR::Total Bytes: 0

SECURITY::Logins : 1 FailedLogins : 0

KERNEL::SourceState: 2 TargetState: 1 Start Time: Tue Sep 11 12:45:26 2007

  RepOpsGenerated: 436845 RepBytesGenerated: 0

  MirOpsGenerated: 3316423 MirBytesGenerated: 108352749214952

   FailedMirrorCount: 0 FailedRepCount: 0

   ActFailCount: 0 TargetOpenHandles: 0 DriverQueuePercent: 0

TARGET:: PeerAddress: LocalAddress:

   Ops Received: 25 Mirror Ops Received: 23

   Retries: 0 OpsDropped: 0 Ops Remaining: 0

   Orphan Files Removed: 0 Orphan Directories Removed: 0 Orphan Bytes Removed: 0

   Bytes In Target Queue: 0 Bytes In Target Disk Queue: 0

   TasksSucceeded: 0 TasksFailed: 0 TasksIgnored: 0

SOURCE::autoDisConnects : 0 autoReConnects : 1

   lastFileTouched : /log/data_file

CONNECTION:: conPeerAddress:

   connectTime: Tue Sep 11 12:45:34 2007

   conState: 1 conOpsInCmdQueue: 0 conOpsInAckQueue: 0

   conOpsInRepQueue: 0 conOpsInMirQueue: 0 conBytesInRepQueue: 0

   conOpsTx: 27 conBytesInMirQueue: 0 conBytesTx: 14952687269

   conBytesCompressedTx: 14952

   conOpsRx: 201127 conBytesRx: 647062280 conResentOpCount: 0 conBytesInDiskQueue: 0

   conBandwidthLimit: 429496295 conBytesSkipped: 22867624 conMirrorBytesRemain: 0

   conMirrorPercent: 100.0%

   conTaskCmdsSubmitted: 0 conTaskCmdsQueued: 0

   conTasksSucceeded: 0 conTasksFailed: 0 conTasksIgnored: 0

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