The following table lists the Double-Take SNMP statistics.
General, dtUpTime
Time in seconds since Double-Take was last started.
General, dtCurrentMemoryUsage
Amount of memory allocated from the Double-Take memory pool.
General, dtMirOpsGenerated
The number of mirror operations (create, modify, or delete) that have been transmitted by the mirroring process.
General, dtMirBytesGenerated
The number of bytes that have been transmitted by the mirroring process.
General, dtRepOpsGenerated
The number of operations (create, modify, or delete) that have been transmitted by the replication process.
General, dtRepBytesGenerated
The number of bytes that have been transmitted by the replication process.
General, dtFailedMirrorCount
The number of operations that failed to mirror because they could not be read on the source.
General, dtFailedRepCount
The number of operations that failed to be replicated because they could not be read on the source.
General, dtActFailCount
The number of activation code errors.
General, dtAutoDisCount
The number of auto-disconnects.
General, dtAutoReCount
The number of auto-reconnects.
General, dtDriverQueuePercent
The amount of throttling calculated as a percentage of the stop replicating limit.
Source, dtSourceState
0—Source is not running.
1—Source is running without the replication driver.
2—Source is running with the replication driver.
Target, dtTargetState
0—Target is not running.
1—Target is running.
Target, dtRetryCount
The number of file operations that have been retried.
Target, dtOpsDroppedCount
The number of file operations that have failed and will not be retried.
Security, dtLoginCount
The number of successful logins and logouts.
Security, dtFailedLoginCount
The number of unsuccessful logins.
Connection, dtConnectionCount
The number of active connections between machines.
Connection, dtconIpAddress
The IP address of the connected machine. If at the source, then the IP address of the target. If at the target, then the IP address of the source.
Connection, dtconConnectTime
The duration of time since the connection was first established.
Connection, dtconState
The state of the active connection :
0—None. This indicates a connection has not been established. Statistics are still available for the source and target machines.
1—Active. This indicates that the connection is functioning normally and has no scheduling restrictions imposed on it at this time. (There may be restrictions, but it is currently in a state that allows it to transmit.)
2—Paused. This indicates a connection that has been paused.
4—Scheduled. This indicates a connection that is not currently transmitting due to scheduling restrictions (bandwidth limitations, time frame limitations, and so on).
8—Error. This indicates a connection that is not transmitting because something has gone wrong (for example, lost connection).
Only the Scheduled and Error states can coexist. All other states are mutually exclusive. SNMP will display a dtconState of 12 when the connection is in both a scheduled and an error state because this is the sum of the two values (4 + 8).
Connection, dtconOpsInCmdQueue
The number of operations (create, modify, or delete) in the retransmit queue on the source.
Connection, dtconOpsInAckQueue
The number of operations (create, modify, or delete) waiting for verification acknowledgements from the target.
Connection, dtconOpsInRepQueue
The number of replication operations (create, modify, or delete) in the queue.
Connection, dtconOpsInMirQueue
The number of mirror operations (create, modify, or delete) in the queue.
Connection, dtconBytesInRepQueue
The number of bytes in the replication queue.
Connection, dtconBytesInMirQueue
The number of bytes in the mirror queue.
Connection, dtconOpsTx
The total number of operations (create, modify, or delete) transmitted to the target.
Connection, dtconBytesTx
The total number of bytes transmitted to the target.
Connection, dtconBytesCompressedTx
The total number of compressed bytes transmitted to the target.
Connection, dtconOpsRx
The total number of operations (create, modify, or delete) received from the target.
Connection, dtconBytesRx
The total number of bytes received from the target.
Connection, dtconResentOpCount
The number of operations that were resent because of acknowledgement errors.