You are here: Migration > Migrating an entire source to an existing target

Migrating an entire source to an existing target

Use the following instructions to migrate a source to an existing physical or virtual target.

  1. Click Migrate Server from the left navigation pane.
  2. Identify the source server that you want to migrate.

  3. Click Next to continue.
  4. Identify the target server. This is the server that, after the migration, will become your new source.
  5. Click Next to continue.
  6. By default, Double-Take Move selects your entire source for migration. It automatically excludes particular files that cannot be used during the migration. If desired, you can exclude other files that you do not want to migrate, but be careful when excluding data. Excluded volumes, folders, and/or files may compromise the integrity of your installed applications. There are some volumes, folders, and files that you will be unable to exclude, because they are required for migration. For example, the boot volume cannot be excluded because that is where the system state information is stored. Volumes, folders, and files that are marked with a checkmark are included. If there is no checkmark, the item is excluded. Expand and collapse the directory tree and click on an item to add or remove a checkmark. Once you have configured the data to migrate, click Next to continue.

    The Select all and Deselect all buttons allow you to quickly select or deselect all user data on your server. These buttons do not change the selection of system state data, which is defined by Double-Take Move and cannot be modified manually.


  7. Specify if your target server is in a LAN or WAN environment with respect to your source.

  8. Click Next to continue.
  9. If you selected to update your DNS servers for a WAN migration, specify your DNS update options.

    Once you have your DNS updates configured, click Test DNS to determine if your DNS updates will be successful.

  10. Click Next to continue.
  11. Specify your migration shutdown options.
  12. Click Next to continue.
  13. At this point, Double-Take Move validates that your target server is compatible to become your source. Errors are designated by a red circle with a white X. (A question mark icon is an unknown error.) Warnings are designated by a yellow triangle with a black exclamation point. A successful validation is designated by a green circle with a white checkmark. For complete details of the items validated during this process, see Finding a compatible target. You must correct any errors before you can enable protection. If you have to revalidate the server, you will have to go through the job protection workflow again.

  14. Once the validation is successful, click Next to continue.
  15. At the Migration summary page, you can review the choices you have made and you can also configure optional settings. If you need to make any changes to the selections you made, click Back to return to the previous pages. If you want to configure optional settings, click Configure. Once you have completed your configuration, click Finish to start the migration.
  16. Monitor the progress of the migration mirror on the Monitor page.
  17. When the migration mirror has completed, the target may or may not reboot automatically depending on your selection for Wait for user intervention before cutover. If you disabled user intervention, the target will reboot automatically to complete the migration process. If you enabled user intervention, when the migration mirror is complete, the status will change to Ready for Cutover. Use this time to complete any necessary tasks. When you are ready to complete the migration, click Cutover on the Monitor page toolbar to complete the migration process, which will reboot the target.

Once the target server has been rebooted, it will become the source server.

Because the Windows product activation is dependent on hardware, you may need to reactivate your Windows registration after migration. Follow the on-screen prompts to complete the reactivation.

If your source was disconnected from the network during the cutover process, the original job that was mirroring the data will still be active on that machine. Do not bring that machine back on the network. If you do, the original job will attempt to begin mirroring data again which could result in data loss. While the machine is still disconnected from the network, stop the Double-Take service, delete the file connect.sts located in the Double-Take Move installation directory, and then restart the Double-Take service. This will delete the original job. After the original job is deleted, you can bring the machine on the network if desired.


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