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Performance Monitor statistics

The following table identifies the Double-Take Availability Performance Monitor statistics.

Note: If you have multiple IP addresses connected to one target server, you will see multiple Target statistic sections for each IP address.
Object Statistic Description
Connection Bandwidth Limit The amount of bandwidth that may be used to transfer data
Bytes in disk queue The number of bytes in the source disk queue
Bytes in replication queue The number of replication bytes in the source queue
Bytes in mirror queue The number of mirror bytes in the source queue
Bytes received The number of bytes received by the target since the last Performance Monitor refresh
Bytes transferred The number of bytes transmitted from the source
Compressed bytes transferred The number of compressed bytes transmitted from the source
Operations in acknowledgement queue The number of operations waiting in the source acknowledgement queue
Operations in command queue The number of operations waiting in the source command queue
Operations in mirror queue The number of mirror operations in the source queue
Operations in replication queue The number of replication operations in the source queue
Operations received The number of operations received by the target since the last Performance Monitor refresh
Operations resent The number of operations re-sent since the last time the Double-Take service was restarted on the source
Operations transmitted The number of operations transmitted from the source
Task commands queued The number of task commands queued on the source
Task commands submitted The number of task commands submitted on the source
Tasks failed The number of task commands that have failed to execute on the source
Tasks ignored The number of task commands that have been ignored on the source
Tasks succeeded The number of task commands that have succeeded on the source
Kernel Activation code failures The number of activation code failures when loading the source or target, since the last time the Double-Take service was restarted on the source
Double-Take queue memory usage The amount of system memory in use by the Double-Take Availability queue
Driver Queue Percent The amount of throttling calculated as a percentage of the stop replicating limit
Failed mirror operations The number of mirror operations on the source that failed due to an error reading the file from the disk
Failed replication operations The number of replication operations on the source that failed due to an error reading the file from the disk
Mirror Kbytes generated The number of mirror kilobytes transmitted from the source
Mirror operations generated The number of mirror operations transmitted from the source
Open Target Handles The number of handles currently open on the target.
Replication Kbytes generated The number of replication kilobytes generated on the source by the file system driver
Replication operations generated The number of replication operations generated on the source by the file system driver
Security Failed logins Number of failed login attempts since the last time the Double-Take service was restarted
Successful logins Number of successful login attempts since the last time the Double-Take service was restarted
Source Auto disconnects The number of automatic disconnects since the last time the Double-Take service was restarted on the source
Auto reconnects The number of automatic reconnects since the last time the Double-Take service was restarted on the source
Target Bytes in Disk Queue The number of bytes in the target disk queue
Bytes in Queue The number of bytes in the system memory and disk queues
Mirror operations received The number of mirror operations received on the target
Operations received The number of operations received on the target
Ops Dropped The number of operations dropped on the target since the last time the Double-Take service was restarted on the target
Ops Remaining The number of operations on the target remaining to be applied
Orphan Bytes The number of orphan bytes removed from the target
Orphan Directories The number of orphan directories removed from the target
Orphan Files The number of orphan files removed from the target
Retries The number of retries performed on the target since the last time the Double-Takeservice was restarted on the target
Tasks failed The number of task commands that have failed on the target.
Tasks ignored The number of task commands that have been ignored on the target
Tasks succeeded The number of task commands that have succeeded on the target

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