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Installing Double-Take Availability automatically

The Double-Take Availability installation program can accept command-line parameters which allow you to automate the installation or upgrade process by running an unattended, or silent, installation. The automatic process allows you to pass parameters through to the installation program instead of entering information manually during the installation or upgrade.

Since the automated process does not prompt for settings, the settings are manually defined in a configuration file called DTSetup.ini. By default, DTSetup.ini contains two sections. The second section can be duplicated as many times as necessary. The first section, [Config], applies to any server not defined in the second (or duplicate of second) sections. The second (or duplicate of second) section, [MachineName], allows you to specify unique settings for individual servers. You have to modify the heading name (case-sensitive) to identify the server.

Sample DTSetup.ini

Review the following table to understand the different parameters available in DTSetup.ini.

Parameter Valid Values
  • DTNT—Both the Double-Take Availability server and client components will be installed.
  • DTCO—Only the Double-Take Availability client components will be installed.
  • DTSO—Only the Double-Take Availability server components will be installed.
DTActivationCode A 24 character, alpha-numeric activation code which applies the appropriate license to the server. Multiple activation codes can be separated by a semi-colon.
DoubleTakeFolder Any valid path specifying the location of the Double-Take Availability files
QMemoryBufferMax Any integer representing the amount of system memory, in MB, to use for memory-based queuing
DiskQueueFolder Any valid path to the location of the disk-based queue.
DiskQueueMaxSize Any integer representing the amount of disk space, in MB, to use for disk-based queuing or the keyword UNLIMITED which will allow the queue usage to automatically expand whenever the available disk space expands
DiskFreeSpaceMin Any integer representing the amount of disk space, in MB, that must remain free at all times
  • Y or 1—Start the Double-Take service automatically
  • N or 0—Do not start the Double-Take service automatically

This parameter is not applied if your DTSetupType is DTCO.

Port Any integer between 1024 and 65535 that identifies the Windows Firewall port used for Double-Take Availability.
  • Y or 1—Set the Windows Firewall port for Double-Take Availability
  • N or 0—Do not set the Windows Firewall port for Double-Take Availability

You must have Microsoft .NET installed on server before starting the automatic installation.

If you are using Windows 2008, but you are not using the built-in administrator account, Windows 2008 User Access Control will prompt you to confirm you want to install Double-Take Availability. To work around this issue, use the built-in administrator account when you are installing to each server. You may also disable User Access Control if that is acceptable for your environment.

Installing or upgrading automatically to a local machine
Installing or upgrading automatically to a remote machine

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