You are here: Workload protection > Full-server protection > Optional full-server protection settings > Taking snapshots of the target

Taking snapshots of the target

  1. Make sure you have a valid source and target specified, click Configure protection from the main Full-Server Failover Manager page, and then select the Protection tab.
  2. A snapshot is an image of data taken at a single point in time. Snapshots allow you to view files and folders as they existed at points of time in the past, so you can, for example, recover from cases where corrupted source data was replicated to the target. By default, Double-Take Availability takes periodic snapshots of the data on the target. When failover is triggered, you can use the target data at the time of failover or you can revert to a snapshot of the target data. Specify how you want to handle snapshots.
  1. Click OK to save the settings.

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