You are here: Consoles > Application workload console > Changing Application Manager preferences

Changing Application Manager preferences

To change display preferences for the Application Manager, select Tools, Options. The Options dialog box will appear.

  1. In the Service Listen Port field, enter the value for the Double-Take Availability port to be used for Application Manager communication. The default port is 6320.


The Application Manager Service Listen Port must be the same as the Double-Take Availability Service Listen Port on both the source and target servers.

You can also change the port through the Double-Take Replication Console.

  1. To specify the rate at which the Application Manager updates the protection status, clear the Enable automatic adjustment of refresh interval checkbox, then enter the desired Refresh Interval. You can enter a value between 1 and 30,000 seconds.
  2. If you want the refresh interval to be updated automatically, select the Enable automatic adjustment of refresh interval checkbox.


If the Application Manager appears to be running slowly, it may be because the refresh interval is set to a long interval. Set a shorter refresh interval and make sure that the automatic adjustment option is not selected.

  1. In the Maximum log file size field, enter the maximum size for the dtam.verbose.log file. When the maximum size is reached, the dtam.verbose.log file is renamed to dtam.verbose.prev.log and subsequent actions are logged to a new dtam.verbose.log file (Default = 1 MB).
  2. Select the Enable verbose logging checkbox to have all user interactions with Application Manager logged to the dtam.verbose.log file (Default = selected).
  3. Select the Always show protection details checkbox to have the Protection Details area on the Monitor tab expanded by default.
  4. Select the Display statistics values in bytes checkbox if you always want to show the values on the Protection Details area on the Monitor tab values in bytes, rather than in MB, GB, or TB.
  5. Select the Load last selected server upon startup checkbox to automatically reconnect to the last protected source/target pair when Application Manager is re-started.
  6. Select the Enable Alternative DNS checkbox to launch Application Manager in \Altdns mode the next time it is opened. For more information, see Using a non-Microsoft DNS Server.
  7. Select the Display Advanced Options checkbox to launch Application Manager in \Advanced mode the next time it is opened.
  8. Click the Clear Cached Credentials button to clear the cached user name and password.
  9. Click OK to save your changes, or Cancel to discard your changes and exit the Options dialog box.