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The following table identifies the Double-Take Availability statistics.


The categories you see will depend on the function of your server (source, target, or both).

If you have multiple IP addresses connected to one target server, you will see multiple Target sections for each IP address.

If you convert your statistics output to an ASCII, comma-delimited file using the dtstat -s option, keep in mind the following differences.

  • The statistic labels will be slightly different in the ASCII file than in the following table.
  • The statistics will appear in a different order in the ASCII file than in the following table.
  • The statistics in the Target Category in the following table are not included in the ASCII file.
  • The Kernel statistic Target Open Handles is not included in the ASCII file.
  • The ASCII file contains a Managed Pagefile Alloc statistic which is no longer used.
Category Statistic Description
Date/Time Stamp   The date and time that the snapshot was taken. This is the date and time that each statistic was logged. By default, these are generated once a second, as long as there are statistics being generated. If mirroring/replication is idle, then DTStat will be idle as well.
SystemAllocator Total Bytes The number of bytes currently allocated to the system pagefile
IQAllocator Total Bytes The number of bytes currently allocated to the intermediate queue
Security Logins The number of successful login attempts
FailedLogins The number of failed login attempts
Kernel SourceState
  • 0—Source is not running
  • 1—Source is running without the replication driver
  • 2—Source is running with the replication driver
  • 0—Target is not running
  • 1—Target is running
Start Time Date and time stamp indicating when the Double-Take service was loaded
RepOpsGenerated The number of replication operations generated by the file system driver. An op is a file system operation. Double-Take Availability replicates data by sending the file system operations across the network to the target. RepOpsGenerated indicates the number of file system operations that have been generated by replication.
RepBytesGenerated The number of replication bytes generated by the file system driver. This is the number of bytes generated during replication. In other words, this is roughly the amount of traffic being sent across the network that is generated by replication. It does not take into account TCP/IP overhead (headers and such).
MirOpsGenerated The number of mirror operations transmitted to the target. Mirroring is completed by transmitting the file system operations necessary to generate the files on the target. This statistic indicates the number of file system operations that were transmitted during the initial mirror. It will continue to increase until the mirror is complete. Any subsequent remirrors will reset this field to zero and increment from there.
MirBytesGenerated The number of mirror bytes transmitted to the target. This is the number of bytes generated during mirroring. In other words, this is roughly the amount of traffic being sent across the network that is generated by the mirror. It does not take into account TCP/IP overhead (headers and such). Again, any subsequent remirror will reset this field to zero and increment from there.
FailedMirrorCount The number of mirror operations that failed due to an error reading the file from the disk
FailedRepCount The number of replication operations that failed due to an error reading the file from the disk
ActFailCount The number of activation code failures when loading the source or target. Activation codes can be bad for reasons such as: expiration of evaluation codes, duplicate codes, incorrect codes, etc.
TargetOpenHandles The number of handles currently open on the target
DriverQueuePercent The amount of throttling calculated as a percentage of the stop replicating limit
Target PeerAddress The IP address of the source machine
LocalAddress The IP address of the target machine.
Ops Received The total number of operations received by this machine as a target since the Double-Take service was loaded
Mirror Ops Received The total number of mirror operations received by this machine as a target since the Double-Take service was loaded. This number does not reset to zero for remirrors.
Retries The number of retries performed before all operations were completed
OpsDropped The number of operations skipped during a difference mirror. During a difference mirror, if Double-Take Availability detects that there have been no changes to a file, then it will indicate the number of operations it did not send for this file in this field.
Ops Remaining The total number of operations that are left in the target queue
Orphan Files Removed The number of orphan files removed from the target machine
Orphan Directories Removed The number of orphan directories removed from the target machine
Orphan Bytes Removed The number of orphan bytes removed from the target machine
Bytes In Target Queue The number of bytes currently in the system memory queue on the target
Bytes In Target Disk Queue The number of bytes currently in the disk queue on the target
TasksSucceeded The number of task commands that have succeeded on the target
TasksFailed The number of task commands that have failed on the target
TasksIgnored The number of task commands that have been ignored on the target
Source autoDisConnects The number of automatic disconnects since starting Double-Take Availability. Auto-disconnects occur because the source no longer sees the target This could be because the connection between the two has failed at some point or because the target machine data is changing on the source faster than the source can get the data to the target. This field tracks the number of times an auto-disconnect has occurred since the Double-Take service was started.
autoReConnects The number of automatic reconnects since starting Double-Take Availability. Auto-reconnect occurs after a target machine is back online. This field tracks the number of times an auto-reconnect has happened since the Double-Take service was started.
lastFileTouched The last filename that had a replication operation executed


conPeerAddress The IP address of the target machine
connectTime The time that this connection was established

The state of the active connection

  • 0—None. This indicates a connection has not been established. Statistics are still available for the source and target machines.
  • 1—Active. This indicates that the connection is functioning normally and has no scheduling restrictions imposed on it at this time. (There may be restrictions, but it is currently in a state that allows it to transmit.)
  • 2—Paused. This indicates a connection that has been paused.
  • 4—Scheduled. This indicates a connection that is not currently transmitting due to scheduling restrictions (bandwidth limitations, time frame limitations, and so on).
  • 8—Error. This indicates a connection that is not transmitting because something has gone wrong (for example, lost connection).

Only the Scheduled and Error states can coexist. All other states are mutually exclusive. Statistics will display a conState of 12 when the connection is in both a scheduled and an error state because this is the sum of the two values (4 + 8).

conOpsInCmdQueue The number of operations waiting to be executed on the target
conOpsInAckQueue The number of operations waiting in the acknowledgement queue. Each operation that is generated receives an acknowledgement from the target after that operation has been received by the target. This statistic indicates the number of operations that have yet to receive acknowledgement of receipt.
conOpsInRepQueue The number of replication operations currently waiting to be executed on the target
conOpsInMirQueue The number of mirror operations currently waiting to be executed on the target
conBytesInRepQueue The number of replication bytes remaining to be transmitted to the target
conOpsTx The number of operations transmitted to the target. This is the total number of operations that Double-Take Availability has transmitted as a source. In other words, the cumulative number of operations transmitted by this source to all connected targets.
conBytesInMirQueue The number of mirror bytes remaining to be transmitted to the target
conBytesTx The number of bytes transmitted to the target. This is the total number of bytes that Double-Take Availability has transmitted as a source. In other words, the cumulative number of bytes transmitted by this source to all connected targets.
conBytesCompressedTx The number of compressed bytes transmitted to the target.
conOpsRx The number of operations received by the target. The number of operations that the target for this connection (as indicated by the IP address field) has received from this source.
conBytesRx The number of bytes received by the target. The number of bytes that the target for this connection (as indicated by the IP address field) has received from this source.
conResentOpCount The number of operations resent because they were not acknowledged
conBytesInDiskQueue The number of bytes in the source disk queue
conBandwidthLimit The amount of bandwidth that may be used to transfer data
conBytesSkipped The number of bytes skipped during a difference mirror. During a difference mirror, if Double-Take Availability detects that there have been no changes to a file, then it will indicate the number of bytes it did not send for this file in this field.
conMirrorBytesRemain The number of mirror bytes remaining to be transmitted
conMirrorPercent The percentage of the mirror that has been completed. This field is determined if the replication set size was calculated.
conTaskCmdsSubmitted The number of task commands that have been submitted on the source
conTaskCmdsQueued The number of task commands that have been queued on the source
conTasksSucceeded The number of task commands that have succeeded on the source
conTasksFailed The number of task commands that have failed on the source
conTasksIgnored The number of task commands that have been ignored on the source

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