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The following list describes some of the standard Double-Take Availability alerts that may be displayed in the log files. The ID appears in column 7 of the log file, and the message appears in column 8.
In this information, con_id refers to the unique connection ID assigned to each connection between a source replication set and a target.
There are several log messages with the ID of 0. See the description in the Message column in the log file.
7 Synchronous ioctl returned STATUS_PENDING
7 Failed to reset Replication Flags. Replication may not be performed correctly.
69 Double-Take kernel started on server_name
The Double-Take service was started on the Double-Take Availability server specified.
70 Double-Take kernel stopped
The Double-Take service was stopped on a Double-Take Availability server.
71 Originator attempting ip://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
A source is requesting to connect a replication set to a target machine.
72 Connection request from ip://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
A target machine has received a source machine’s request to connect a replication set to the target.
73 Connected to ip://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
A source machine has successfully connected a replication set to a target machine.
74 Connection paused with ip://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
A network connection between the source and the target exists and is available for data transmission, but data is being held in queue and is not being transmitted to the target. This happens because the target machine cannot write data to disk fast enough. Double-Take Availability will resolve this issue on its own by transmitting the data in queue when the target catches up.
75 Connection resumed with ip://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
The transmission of data from the source machine to the target machine has resumed.
76 Connection failed to ip://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
An attempt to establish a network connection between a source machine and target machine has failed. Check your network connections and verify that the target machine is still online.
77 Connection lost with IP address address
The network connection previously established between a source machine and target machine has been lost. Check your network connections and troubleshoot to see why the connection was lost.
78 Auto-disconnect threshold has been reached.
The Double-Take Availability queue has exceeded its limit, and the auto-disconnect process will disconnect the source and target connection. The auto-reconnect process will automatically reestablish the connection if the auto-reconnect feature is enabled. If the auto-reconnect feature is not enabled, you must first verify that the connection between the source and target has been broken, and then manually reestablish the connection in the Replication Console.
79 Memory freed to bring Double-Take memory usage below the limit
Data in the source queue has been sent to the target machine, bringing the pagefile below its limit.
80 Trying to auto-retransmit to ip://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
Double-Take Availability is attempting to automatically reconnect previously established source and target connections after a server reboot or auto-disconnect. This is also referred to as the auto-reconnect process.
81 Schedule transmit start to target
A scheduled transmission of data from a source machine to a target machine has started. See the description in the Message column in the log file.
82 Schedule transmit end to target
A scheduled transmission of data from a source machine to a target machine has ended. See the description in the Message column in the log file.
85 repset has been auto-disconnected
Double-Take Availability automatically disconnects the source and target connection because the queue size has reached a specified size for this action.
87 Start replication on connection con_id
Data has started replicating from a source machine to a target machine.
88 Stop replication on connection con_id
Data has stopped replicating from a source machine to a target machine.
89 Mirror started con_id
Data is being mirrored from a source machine to a target machine.
90 Mirror stopped con_id
The process of mirroring data from a source machine to a target machine has stopped due to user intervention or an auto-disconnect. (This means the mirroring process was not completed.)
91 Mirror paused con_id
The process of mirroring data from a source machine to a target machine has paused because the target machine cannot write the data to disk fast enough. Double-Take Availability will resolve this issue on its own by transmitting the data in queue when the target catches up.
92 Mirror resumed con_id
The process of mirroring data from a source machine to a target machine has resumed.
93 Mirror ended con_id
The process of mirroring data from a source machine to a target machine has ended.
94 Verification started con_id
The verification process of confirming that the Double-Take Availability data on the target is identical to the data on the source has started.
95 Verification ended con_id
The verification process of confirming that the Double-Take Availability data on the target is identical to the data on the source has ended.
97 Restore started con_id
The restoration process of copying the up-to-date data from the target back to the original source machine has started.
98 Restore completed con_id
The restoration process of copying the up-to-date data from the target back to the original source machine has been completed.
99 RepSet Modified: repset_ name
This message means that the specified replication set has been modified.
100 Failover condition has been met and user intervention is required
Double-Take Availability has determined that the source has failed, and requires manual intervention to start the failover process.
101 Failover in progress!!!
The conditions for failover to occur have been met, and the failover process has started.
102 Target full!
The disk to which data is being written on the target is full. This issue may be resolved by deleting files on the target machine or by adding another disk.
801 Auto-disconnect has occurred on IP address with connection con_id Disconnected replication set name: repset_name.
Auto-disconnect has occurred for the specified connection. This is due to the source queue filling up because of a network or target failure or bottleneck.
10001 Activation key is not valid.
An invalid activation code was identified when the Double-Take service was started.
10002 Evaluation period has expired.
The evaluation license has expired.
10003 Activation code violation with machine machine_name
Duplicate single-server activation codes are being used on the servers, and Double-Take Availability is disabled.
10004 Valid activation key detected
A valid activation code was identified when the Double-Take service was started.
51001 Source module failed to load
The Double-Take Availability source module failed to load. Look at previous log messages to determine the reason. (Look for messages that indicate that either the activation code was invalid or the user-configurable source module was not set to load automatically at startup.) The source module may have been configured this way intentionally.
51501 Source module loaded successfully
The Double-Take Availability source module was loaded successfully.
51502 Source module already loaded
The Double-Take Availability source module was already loaded.
51503 Source module stopped
The Double-Take Availability source module stopped.
52000 The target has been paused due to manual intervention.
52000 The target has been resumed due to manual intervention
The target has been paused or resumed through user intervention.
52000 Unfinished Op error
This error message contains various Microsoft API codes. The text Code -<x> Internal <y> appears at the end of this message. The code value indicates why the operation failed, and the internal value indicates the type of operation that failed. These are the most common code values that appear in this error message.
52501 Target module loaded successfully
The Double-Take Availability target module was loaded successfully.
52502 Target module already loaded
The Double-Take Availability target module was already loaded.
52503 Target module stopped
The Double-Take Availability target module stopped.
53001 File was missing from target
The verification process confirms that the files on the target are identical to the files on the source. This message would only appear if the verification process showed that a file on the source was missing from the target.
53003 Could not read filename
Double-Take Availability could not read a file on the source machine because the file may have been renamed or deleted. For example, temporary files show up in queue but do not show up during transmission. (No user action required.)
54000 Kernel started
The Double-Take service was started.
54001 Failover module failed to load
The Double-Take Availability failover module failed to load. Look at previous log messages to determine the reason.
54503 Failover module stopped
The Double-Take Availability failover module stopped.
99001 Starting source module low memory processing
The source’s queue is full, and the auto-disconnect process will disconnect the source and target connection. The auto-reconnect process will automatically reestablish the connection if the auto-reconnect feature is enabled. If the auto-reconnect feature is not enabled, you must first verify that the connection between the source and target has been broken, and then manually reestablish the connection in the Replication Console.
99999 Application is terminating normally
The Double-Take service is shutting down normally.
503010 Asyncloctl for status thread 178 terminated, terminating the status thread
A Double-Take Availability process monitors the state of the Double-Take Availability driver. When the Double-Take service is shut down, the driver is shut down, and this process is terminated. (No user action required.)
600002 Unified login provides ADMIN access
600002 User has level access (x)
700000 The source machine source_machine is not responding to a ping.
This occurs when all monitored IP addresses on the source machine stop responding to pings. Countdown to failover will begin at the first occurrence and will continue until the source machine responds or until failover occurs.
800000 Active Directory GetHostSpns function call failed
800000 Active Directory RemoveSpns function call failed
800000 Active Directory AddSpns function call failed