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Evaluating Double-Take Availability

The following evaluation procedure has eleven tasks containing step-by-step instructions for evaluating the core functionality of Double-Take Availability, specifically mirroring, replication, failover, and restoration. This is a good process for users who want to see, first-hand, the benefits that Double-Take Availability has to offer.

Before starting this evaluation procedure, make sure you have Double-Take Availability installed on the source and target. You should have at least 1 GB of data on the source for testing. If you are going to be protecting application data, make sure the application is pre-installed on the target, but the application is not running on the target. If the application is running on the target, the files will be held open and Double-Take Availability will not be able to write to the files. In the even of a source failure, the application can be started on the target and the files can then be accessed.

This evaluation consists of the following tasks.

CollapsedEstablishing a connection
CollapsedMonitoring the activity and completion of the initial mirror
CollapsedChanging data to cause replication
CollapsedVerifying the data changes on the target
CollapsedTesting your target data
CollapsedConfiguring failover monitoring
CollapsedMonitoring failover
CollapsedSimulating a failure
CollapsedSimulating data changes after failover
CollapsedInitiating failback
CollapsedRestoring your data