You are here: Managing servers > Editing server properties > Server and job settings

Server and job settings

The easiest way to view and change select server and job settings is through the Double-Take Console. However, not all of the settings are available there. To view and update the remaining settings, in addition to the settings available in the console, you will need to go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\NSI Software\Double-Take\CurrentVersion in the registry. For a Linux server, you can use DTSetup to modify the configuration settings.

The following table lists all of the settings, in decimal value.

Double-Take Availability and Double-Take Move share the same set of server and job settings. Some settings apply to one product, some to the other, and some to both. For settings that apply to both, the Double-Take Availability terminology is used. For example, PreFailoverScript is used for the script to be run before failover or cutover.

If you are using a Linux source server, you will have only a subset of the settings listed below.



Description—The length of time, in milliseconds, spent retrying a file read if there is a read error

Values—Any positive, integer value


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—24-character Double-Take activation code

Values—Unique value for each customer


Console Setting—Edit Server Properties page, Licensing section, Current activation codes

Service restart required—No


Description—Specifies the adapter to use when establishing a connection. This option should not be changed.

Values—2 Encryption, 4 Network Data Representation


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—Yes


Description—This setting is no longer used.


Description—Indicates if the server uses Active Directory to advertise itself so that the Double-Take Console can be populated through automatic discovery

Values—0 Do not use Active Directory advertisement, 8 Use Active Directory advertisement


Console Setting—Edit Server Properties page, Setup section, Advertise service with Active Directory

Service restart required—Yes

Notes—If Active Directory advertisement is enabled, there is a 200 byte impact on the Active Directory service for each server that registers. The Double-Take service registers with Active Directory at startup and unregisters at shutdown.


Description—Specifies which IP addresses to failover

Values—0 Failover only monitored IP addresses, 1 Failover all IP addresses


Console Setting—Set Options page, Failover Options section, Failover IP addresses

Service restart required—No


Description—Specifies whether or not all IP addresses must fail for failover to take place

Values—0 any IP address can fail, 1 All IP addresses must fail


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—This setting is no longer used.


Description—This setting is no longer used.


Description—This setting is no longer used.


Description—This setting is no longer used.


Description—This setting is no longer used.


Description—This setting is no longer used.


Description—This setting is no longer used.


Description—This setting is no longer used.


Description—This setting is no longer used.


Description—This setting is no longer used.


Description—Used internally by Double-Take. Do not modify this entry.


Description—Specifies whether to reinstate the target connection(s) when the source machine is brought online after a source machine failure

Values—0 Do not reconnect, 1 Reconnect


Console Setting—Edit Server Properties page, Setup section, Automatically reconnect during source initialization

Service restart required—Yes


Description—Specifies whether to remirror when a source is brought online after an auto-disconnect

Values—0 Do not remirror, 1 Perform a file differences checksum mirror, 2 Perform a full mirror, 3 Perform a file differences mirror, 4 Perform a date comparison mirror and send data only if the source data is newer than the target data.


Console Setting—Edit Server Properties page, Setup section, Behavior when automatically reconnecting

Service restart required—No


Description—Specifies how often, in seconds, the source should check for connections that have been reconnected but still need to be remirrored

Values—any integer


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—Determines whether or not a source that has lost its connection with a target will attempt to reconnect to the target

Values—0 Do not attempt to reconnect, 1 Attempt to reconnect


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—Location on the target of the backup of the protected data sets

Values—any valid path

Default—the location where the Double-Take files were installed

Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—Calculates the approximate size of a protected data set by using the size of the volume and subtracting the free space

Values—0 Disabled, 1 Enabled


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No

Notes—If your protected data set contains a large number of files, for example, 250,000 or more, you may want to disable the calculation of the protected data set size so that data will start being mirrored sooner. If calculation is enabled, the source calculates the file size before it starts mirroring. This can take a significant amount of time depending on the number of files and system performance. Disabling calculation will result in the mirror status not showing the percentage complete or the number of bytes remaining to be mirrored. CalculateByVolume can be enabled as a workaround. This setting will get the amount of disk space in use for the entire volume from the operating system, so the calculation occurs instantaneously. However, if the entire volume is not being replicated, the mirror percentage complete and bytes remaining will be incorrect accordingly.

Do not use enable this option if you are using a full server job because it will bypass needed hard link processing.


Description—Specifies whether or not the amount of data to be mirrored should be calculated on connection

Values—0 Do not calculate on connection, 1 Calculate on connection


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—This entry is no longer used.


Description—An internal setting for change journal tracking. Do not modify this setting.


Description—An internal setting for change journal tracking. Do not modify this setting.


Description—Setting to allow for the difference checksum option on mirror, verify, or restore to ignore the date, time, and size of the file and perform a checksum calculation on all files

Values—0 Checksum using date, time, size comparison, 1 Checksum all files regardless of the date, time, or file size


Console Setting—Edit Server Properties page, Source section, Use block checksum during difference mirrors

Service restart required—No


Description—Location of a Microsoft Cluster Service installation, if it exists

Values—any valid path

Default—determined by the Microsoft Cluster Service installation

Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—Name of the database file containing connection information

Values—any valid file name


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—Enables additional logging for out of order acknowledgement errors

Values—0 Do not create a logging file, 1 Create a logging file


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—The location of the Double-Take file attribute, protected data set, connection, and schedule database files

Values—any valid path

Default—the location where the Double-Take files were installed

Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—The default primary IP address in a multi-homed server

Values—any valid IP address that will act as your primary IP address for connecting the source to the target


Console Setting—Edit Server Properties page, General section, Default address

Service restart required—Yes


Description—The default protocol

Values—2 IPv4 protocol only, 23 IPv4 and IPv6 protocols, 3 TDU (Throughput Diagnostics Utility)

Default—2 for Windows 2003, 23 for Windows 2008 and 2012

Console Setting—None

Service restart required—Yes


Description—Internal setting used by Double-Take RecoverNow for recoveries. Do not modify this setting.


Description—Number of seconds to delay the arbitration process. This option allows time for the network to become stable before trying to execute arbitration logic, for example, when a cluster failover has occurred, but the network has a lag before it returns to a stable state. Arbitration should not start until the network is back in that stable state.

Values—any positive number


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—Delays the GeoCluster Replicated Disk resource connection to allow the cluster service enough time to reset



Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—Specifies if files with more than one hard link are deleted on the target during a difference mirror and then relinked after the remirror is complete. This setting only applies to Windows 2008 and 2012 servers with a full server job or full server migration job. If mirror performance is negatively impacted by this setting, you may want to disable it.

Values—0 Hard link files are not deleted and relinked during a difference mirror, 1 Hard link files are deleted and relinked during a difference mirror


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—Port used by pre-5.2 versions for directed UDP communications

Values—1025 - 65535


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—Yes


Description—Specifies whether or not attributes (read-only, hidden, and so on) are replicated to the target

Values—0 Enable attribute replication, 1 Disable attribute replication


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—Specifies whether or not operations are dropped or retried after an access denied error

Values—0 The operation will be retried, 1 The operation will be dropped


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—Determines if an additional attempt is made to access a file by a Microsoft API call if the Double-Take call fails.

Values—0 When opening a file using the Double-Take driver fails, attempt to open the file usingthe Microsoft Win32 API, 1 When opening a file using the Double-Take driver fails, skip the file and document it in the Double-Take log


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No

Notes—If the value is set to 0 and the Win32 call also fails, Double-Take will skip the file and document it in the Double-Take log


Description—Used by the Double-Take installation program to maintain the installation settings for an upgrade. Do not modify this setting.


Description—Specifies how often, in minutes, a snapshot of the disk quota is taken as a backup in case the live registry is not usable at failover or cutover

Values—any integer


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—Specifies how often, in minutes, a snapshot of the registry is taken as a backup in case the live registry is not usable at failover or cutover

Values—any integer


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—Specifies if e-mail notification is enabled

Values—0 E-mail notification is disabled, 1 E-mail notification is enabled


Console Setting—Edit Server Properties page, E-mail Notification section, Enable e-mail notifications

Service restart required—Yes from the registry, No from the console

Notes—This is a read-only setting. If you change this setting using the registry editor, e-mail notification will not automatically start. You must use the console or a PowerShell script to start e-mail notification.


Description—Identifies the Windows Event Viewer messages that are excluded from e-mail notification.

Values—Comma or semicolon separated list of Event Viewer IDs. You can indicate ranges within the list.


Console Setting—Edit Server Properties page, E-mail Notification section, Exclude these event IDs

Service restart required—Yes from the registry, No from the console


Description—Specifies the e-mail address that will appear in the From field of Double-Take generated e-mail messages.

Values—Any valid e-mail address, up to 256 characters


Console Setting—Edit Server Properties page, E-mail Notification section, From address

Service restart required—No


Description—Specifies which Event Viewer messages are sent via e-mail

Values—1 Error messages will be sent via e-mail, 2 Warning messages will be sent via e-mail, 3 Information messages will be sent via e-mail


Console Setting—Edit Server Properties page, E-mail Notification section, Include these events

Service restart required—Yes from the registry, No from the console


Description—Specifies the e-mail address(es) that will receive Double-Take generated e-mail messages.

Values—A comma separated list of valid e-mail addresses, up to 256 addresses. Each address is limited to 256 characters.


Console Setting—Edit Server Properties page, E-mail Notification section, Send to

Service restart required—No


Description—The password required for SMTP server authentication

Values—Any valid password text


Console Setting—Edit Server Properties page, E-mail Notification section, Password

Service restart required—No

Notes—Since the password is encrypted for security, this entry cannot be displayed or changed through the registry.


Description—The name of the SMTP server for e-mail notification

Values—Any valid server name text


Console Setting—Edit Server Properties page, E-mail Notification section, E-mail server (SMTP)

Service restart required—No


Description—Specifies the port that the SMTP e-mail server is using

Values—any valid port number


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—Specifies if SMTP server authentication for e-mail notification is enabled or disabled

Values—0 SMTP authentation is disabled, 1 SMTP authenticaion is enabled


Console Setting—Edit Server Properties page, E-mail Notification section, Log on to e-mail server

Service restart required—No

Notes—Your SMTP server must support the LOGIN authentication method to use this feature. If your server supports a different authentication method or does not support authentication, you may need to add the Double-Take server as an authorized host for relaying e-mail messages. This option is not necessary if you are sending exclusively to e-mail addresses that the SMTP server is responsible for.


Description—Specifies if the Event Viewer message will be appended to the end of the subject line for e-mail notification

Values—0 Event Viewer message is not included in the subject line, 1 Event Viewer message is included in the subject line


Console Setting—Edit Server Properties page, E-mail Notification section, Add event description to subject

Service restart required—No


Description—Specifies unique text which will be inserted at the front of the subject line for each Double-Take generated e-mail message. This will help distinguish the Double-Take messages from other messages.

Values—Any valid text

DefaultDouble-Take Notification

Console Setting—Edit Server Properties page, E-mail Notification section, Subject prefix

Service restart required—No


Description—The user ID required for SMTP server authentication

Values—Any valid user ID text


Console Setting—Edit Server Properties page, E-mail Notification section, User name

Service restart required—No

Notes—Since the username is encrypted for security, this entry cannot be displayed or changed through the registry.


Description—Indicates if Double-Take will perform a cyclic redundancy check between the source and target to identify corrupted packets

Values—0 Disabled, 1 Enabled


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No

Notes—This option only needs to be set on the source server. However, if you will be restoring or reversing, where the roles of the servers are reversed, then you will need to set this option on the target as well.


Description—Indicates if Double-Take DHCP support is enabled

Values—0 Disabled, 1 Enabled


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—Indicates if Double-Take will verify Microsoft encryption on the source before transmitting the encrypted file to the target

Values—0 Disabled, 1 Enabled


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—Specifies if debug-level messages are enabled to trace all mirroring and replicated files that are opened

Values—0 Do not trace files that are opened, 1 Trace files that are opened


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—Yes

Notes—This option should only be enabled (1) for temporary, debug sessions as instructed by technical support.


Description—This entry will be used in the future.


Description—Specifies if the top-level folders of a protected data set are encrypted on the source, they will be encrypted on the target as well

Values—0 Disabled, 1 Enabled


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No

Notes—If the top-level folders in a protected data set are not encrypted, disabling this option may obtain a small performance improvement.


Description—Indicates if Double-Take will correct any short file names created by the operating system on the target during a mirror or for create and rename operations during replication

Values—0 Do not correct any short file names on the target, 1 Correct short file names on the target


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—Specifies whether Double-Take snapshot functionality is enabled

Values—0 Double-Take snapshot functionality is disabled, 1 Double-Take snapshot functionality is enabled


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—Yes

Notes—This setting only impacts Double-Take snapshot functionality. If this setting is disabled, other snapshot software such as Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy will be not be impacted.


Description—Queues tasks inline with replication data

Values—0 Disable task command processing, 1 Enable task command processing


Console Setting—Edit Server Properties page, Setup section, Enable task command processing

Service restart required—No


Description—Used by the Double-Take log files.


Description—Returns the host SPN (Service Principle Name) to its original setting on failback

Values—0 Disabled, 1 Enabled


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No

Notes—If you are using Active Directory, this option should be enabled or you may experience problems with failback.


Description—Automatically removes the host SPN (Service Principle Name) from Active Directory on the source

Values—0 Disabled, 1 Enabled


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No

Notes—If you are using Active Directory, this option should be enabled or you may experience problems with failover.


Description—Determines if failover will occur when receiving a router message back from an IP address on the network

Values—0 Failover will not occur when receiving a destination host unreachable message, 1 Failover will occur when receiving a destination host unreachable message


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—This entry is no longer used.


Description—The number of times a failed driver call will be retried by the service.

Values—1 - 65535


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—When a mirror is started, one thread reads from the disk and builds the file queue. Another set of threads reads files off of the queue and sends them to the target. This setting is the maximum size of the queue in entries. If you had 100 files to be mirrored and this was set to 16 (the default value), the first thread would fill the queue to a maximum of 16 entries.

Values—1 - 65535


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No

Notes—This value must be set prior to starting the mirror process. The higher the number, the more memory that is used.


Description—Specifies additional failover options

Values—0 Use standard failover add / replace settings with no additional settings, 1 Replace the target server name with that of the source and add the source IP address, 2 Add the source server name to the target and replace the target IP address, 3 Replace the target server name with that of the source and replace the target IP address


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—Specifies if verification will be performed with every difference mirror

Values—0 Verification is not performed with every difference mirror, 1 Verification is performed with every difference mirror


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—Specifies if a log file will be created during a shutdown crash

Values—0 No log file is created and the default exception handler is used, 1 Log file is created


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—Yes


Description—Specifies the length of time, in seconds, to generate a hard link report

Values—any valid integer


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—Specifies the location where hard links will be logged. If no path is specified, the location defined in LogDir will be used.

Values—any valid path


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—This entry is no longer used.


Description—Specifies whether heartbeat debugging information is generated

Values—0 not generated, 1 Generated


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—Number of seconds without receiving a heartbeat before a remote machine is considered unavailable

Values—0 - 65535


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—This setting is no longer used.


Description—Ratio of replication packets to one mirror packet

Values—1 - 65535


Console Setting—Edit Server Properties page, Source section, Number of replication packets per one mirror packet

Service restart required—No for future connections, Yes for the current connection

Notes—An HPQueueRatio of 5 allows Double-Take to dynamically change the ratio as needed based on the amount of replication data in queue. If you set a specific value other than the default (other than 5), the specified value will be used.


Description—Specifies alternate streams to skip during mirroring and replication

Values—a semi-colon separate list of stream names. The stream names are not case-sensitive


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—Specifies if the archive bit is compared during verification

Values—0 Archive bit is compared during a verification, 1 Archive bit is not compared during a verification


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—Specifies if file and directory delete operations will be replicated to the target

Values—0 Delete operations are replicated to the target, 1 Delete operations are not replicated to the target


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—Specifies how files that are locked open on the source are handled during mirroring

Values—0 Fail the mirror and record OpLock errors in the log. The job state will be set to mirror required, 1 Ignore the lock errors and continue the mirror. This option does not guarantee data integrity. There may be differences in the file that was locked.


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—Identifies if Double-Take will use PPP (Point-to-Point Protocol) or SLIP (Serial Line Internet Protocol) adapters

Values—0 Double-Take will send out heartbeats across the PPP/SLIP adapter, 1 Double-Take will not send out heartbeats across the PPP/SLIP adapter


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—Ignores source errors that will cause an update to the target data state

Values—0 Do not ignore source errors, 1 Ignore source errors


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—Specifies if thumbnails will be replicated to the target.

Values—0 Double-Take will mirror and replicate all data streams, 1 Double-Take will not mirror or replicate any data about the alternate data streams for thumbnail images. When comparing data for a verification or difference mirror,alternate data streams for thumbnails will not be reported as different.


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—If you change this value to 0, you must restart the Double-Take service in order for the Double-Take driver to begin sending all data stream information to the service. If you change this value to 1, you do not need to restart the service.


Description—Specifies whether failures to write a file on the target are logged

Values—0 Log all write failures on the target, 1 or any larger integer indicates that number of write failures which will be ignored before starting to log the write failures


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—Specifies whether the system volume information folder is mirrored and replicated

Values—0 Do not include the system volume information folder, 1 Include the system volume information folder


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—Path specified during the Double-Take installation. Do not modify this entry.


Description—Installation number specified during the Double-Take installation. Do not modify this entry.


Description—Runs the failover scripts interactively on the user's local session

Values—0 Do not run the scripts interactively, 1 Run the scripts interactively.


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—Yes


Description—Amount of memory, in KB, that may be allocated to the intermediate queue by the system memory manager when MemoryAllocatorMode is set to mixed mode (2).



Console Setting—None

Service restart required—Yes


Description—Specifies whether or not to failover the IP addresses during failover

Values—0 Do not failover IP addresses 1 Failover IP addresses


Console Setting—Set Options page, Failover Options section, Failover IP addresses

Service restart required—No


Description—Specifies the number of times an operation is retried if the driver return an error

Values—any valid integer


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—Specifies the Double-Take language support that has been installed. Do not modify this setting. If you need to add or remove language support, use the Double-Take installation program.


Description—Specifies the language of the verification log

Values—Depends on LanguagesSupported

Default—Language used during the installation

Console Setting—Edit Server Properties page, Logging section, Language

Service restart required—Yes


Description—Specifies the available languages for the verification log. Currently English is the only language available. Do not modify this setting.


Description—Specifies the length of time, in seconds, to wait before reading the last modified file time attribute

Values—any valid integer


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No

Notes—This option is only used if SendLastModifiedTimeOnClose is disabled


Description—Specifies the functionality of the Double-Take service

Values—0 Neither the source nor target modules are loaded, 1 Only the source module is loaded, 2 Only the target module is loaded, 3 Both the source and target modules are loaded


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—Yes


Description—This entry is no longer used.


Description—The location of the Double-Take messages/alerts, verification, and statistics log files

Values—any valid path

Default—the location where the Double-Take files were installed

Console Setting—Edit Server Properties page, Logging section, Logging folder

Service restart required—Yes


Description—The name of the Double-Take messages/alerts log file

Values—any valid file name


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—Indicates whether hard links are logged to replication_set_name.log when the protected data set size is calculated

Values—0 Hard links are not logged, 1 Hard links are logged


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—Specifies the types of messages logged to the.dtl files

Values—0 No messages will be logged, 1 Only alert messages will be logged, 2 Alert and release messages will be logged, 3 Alert, release, and debug messages will be logged


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—This entry is no longer used.


Description—Specifies the number of checksum values retrieved from the target

Values—any integer


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—Number of network requests that can be processed simultaneously. Windows is limited to 5 simultaneous requests.

Values—0 - 65535


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—Yes

NotesVision Solutions recommends that you not change this value.


Description—Maximum size, in bytes, of any .dtl log file

Values—limited by available disk space


Console Setting—Edit Server Properties page, Logging section, Maximum size (under Messages & Alerts)

Service restart required—No


Description—The maximum length of a file name (the entire volume\directory\filename including slashes, spaces, periods, extensions, and so on) that will be displayed in the Double-Take log file and the Windows Event Viewer. File names longer than the MaxDisplayablePath will be truncated and will be followed by an ellipsis (...).



Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—Maximum number of .dtl log files that can exist at one time. When Double-Take creates a new .dtl file, if this number is exceeded, the oldest .dtl file is deleted.

Values—1 - 999


Console Setting—Edit Server Properties page, Logging section, Maximum number of files

Service restart required—No


Description—An internal setting for memory buffering. Do not modify this setting.


Description—Determines whether or not Double-Take will send over multiple orphan operations. Double-Take will send over the operations if a directory has more files than this number.

Values—0 - 131072


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—A generic, application wide setting specifying the number of retry attempts for processes such as creating sockets, starting the service, and so on

Values—any integer


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—Yes


Description—Maximum merged op size (in bytes) used during replication

Values—1 - 131072


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—This entry is no longer used.


Description—Determines what action is taken when the MemoryQueueToDiskThreshold is met

Values—0 Auto-disconnect processing is initiated when theMemoryQueueToDiskThreshold has been met. Connections will be reestablished when auto-reconnect occurs, 1 The Double-Take service stops pulling operations from the driver when theMemoryQueueToDiskThreshold has been met. The target will pause the source.The service will resume pulling operations when the target tells the source to resume, 2 The source and target begin queuing operations to disk.


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—Yes


Description—A percentage of QmemoryBufferMax that will trigger queuing to disk.

Values—any valid percentage


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—Yes


Description—The minimum file size, in bytes, that will be compressed. Files smaller than this size will not be compressed.

Values—any file size


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—Block size, in bytes, used in the mirroring process

Values—1 - 1048576


Console Setting—Edit Server Properties page, Source section, Size of mirror packets

Service restart required—No

Notes—A higher block size value gives you better throughput, but only to a certain point, then it starts using more memory (this has to do with the way memory is allocated and deallocated). A lower block size value produces slower throughput, but uses memory efficiently.


Description—Specifies if Windows 200x encrypted files are mirrored

Values—0 Encrypted files are not mirrored, 1 Encrypted files are mirrored


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—Determines if the mirror process overwrites existing files

Values—0 never overwrite, 1 always overwrite, 2 overwrite if older


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—This entry is no longer used.


Description—Maximum number of mirror operations that can be queued on the source machine

Values—1 - 65535


Console Setting—Edit Server Properties page, Source section, Maximum pending mirror operations

Service restart required—No


Description—Specifies whether or not root permissions from the source are mirrored to the target

Values—0 Root permissions are not mirrored to the target, 1 Root permissions are mirrored to the target


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—Specifies whether or not empty files, zero byte files, are included in a mirror

Values—0 Zero byte files are skipped and not mirrored to the target, 1 All files are mirrored to the target


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No

Notes—If MirrorZeroKFiles is enabled (0), zero byte files are skipped during a full mirror, file differences mirror, and a verification with synchronization. Zero byte files that contain alternate data streams that are not empty, will still be skipped if MirrorZeroKFiles is enabled.


Description—Specifies the number of heartbeats that can go unanswered by the source before failover occurs, when using Double-Take service responses to monitor for failover

Values—1 - 65535


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No

Notes—This value is used in conjunction with the PingFrequency value to determine the value of Consider the source server failed (on the Set Options page, Failover Monitor section).


Description—Specifies the number of requests sent by the target that go unanswered by the source before failover occurs, when using network responses to monitor for failover

Values—1 - 65535


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No

Notes—This value is used in conjunction with the PingFrequency value to determine the value of Consider the source server failed (on the Set Options page, Failover Monitor section).


Description—This entry is no longer used.


Description—This entry is no longer used.


Description—Specifies whether or not to failover machine names

Values—0 Do not failover machine names, 1 Failover machine names


Console Setting—Set Options page, Failover Options section, Failover server name

Service restart required—No


Description—Port used by pre-5.2 versions for TCP communications

Values—1025 - 65535


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—Yes


Description—Specifies the interval, in seconds, at which Double-Take will attempt to reconnect to the target

Values—any positive number


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—An internal setting for network communications. Do not modify this setting.


Description—The maximum length of time, in seconds, to wait on a network connection. If data is not received over a network connection within the specified time limit, the connection is closed. During idle periods, Double-Take sends small amounts of keep-alive data at an interval 1/6 of the NetworkTimeout value to keep the socket from being inadvertently closed.

Values—any integer


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No

Notes—If you are archiving files and it takes longer than the NetworkTimeout specified (for example, this may happen if the DTArchiveBin is located on an alternate volume), the archive operation will complete on the target, but the full file will not be changed to a link on the source because the source detected the network timeout.


Description—An internal setting for licensing. Do not modify this setting.


Description—An internal setting for licensing. Do not modify this setting.


Description—Specifies the number of operations that can be stored in the memory queue prior to queuing to disk

Values—0 There is no limit to the number of operations that can be stored in the memory queue, 1 or any larger integer


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—An internal setting for memory buffering. Do not modify this setting.


Description—Specifies whether operations from the Double-Take driver are logged

Values—0 Do not log operations, 1 Log operations


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—Yes


Description—The maximum number of operations that can be out of order before the connection is paused

Values—any integer


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No

Notes—The larger the value, the more memory the Double-Take service on the targe service will use.


Description—Specifies, in seconds, how often a ping is sent to the source from a monitoring target

Values—1 - 65535


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No

Notes—This value is used in conjunction with the MissedHeartbeats or MissedPackets value to determine the value of Consider the source server failed (on the Set Options page, Failover Monitor section).


Description—Port connection for core Double-Take communications

Values—1025 - 65535


Console Setting—Edit Server Properties page, General section, Port

Service restart required—Yes


Description—Location on the target where the target post-failback script is located

Values—Any valid path


Console Setting—Set Options page, Failover Options section, Script file (under Post-failback script)

Service restart required—No


Description—Arguments to be used with the target post-failback script

Values—Any valid argument


Console Setting—Set Options page, Failover Options section, Arguments (under Post-failback script)

Service restart required—No


Description—Location on the target where the target post-failover script is located

Values—Any valid path


Console Setting—Set Options page, Failover Options section, Script file (under Post-failover script)

Service restart required—No


Description—Arguments to be used with the target post-failover script

Values—Any valid argument


Console Setting—Set Options page, Failover Options section, Arguments (under Post-failback script)

Service restart required—No


Description—Location on the target where the target pre-failback script is located

Values—Any valid path


Console Setting—Set Options page, Failover Options section, Script file (under Pre-failback script)

Service restart required—No


Description—Arguments to be used with the target pre-failback script

Values—Any valid argument


Console Setting—Set Options page, Failover Options section, Arguments (under Pre-failback script)

Service restart required—No


Description—Specifies whether or not to wait for the target pre-failback script to complete before finishing a failback

Values—0 Do not wait, 1 Wait


Console Setting—Set Options page, Failover Options section, Delay until script completes (under Pre-failback script)

Service restart required—No


Description—Location on the target where the target pre-failover script is located

Values—Any valid path


Console Setting—Set Options page, Failover Options section, Script file (under Pre-failover script)

Service restart required—No


Description—Arguments to be used with the target pre-failover script

Values—Any valid argument


Console Setting—Set Options page, Failover Options section, Arguments (under Pre-failover script)

Service restart required—No


Description—Specifies whether or not to wait for the target pre-failover script to complete before finishing a failover

Values—0 Do not wait, 1 Wait


Console Setting—Set Options page, Failover Options section, Delay until script completes (under Pre-failover script)

Service restart required—No


Description—Used by the Double-Take installation program to maintain the installation settings for an upgrade. Do not modify this entry.


Description—Used by the Double-Take installation program to maintain the installation settings for an upgrade. Do not modify this entry.


Description—The location where the queue is stored.

Values—any valid path

Default—the location specified during the installation

Console Setting—Edit Server Properties page, Queue section, Queue folder

Service restart required—No

Notes—For best results and reliability, you should select a dedicated, non-boot volume. The queue should be stored on a fixed, local NTFS volume. This location also stores the Double-Take driver pagefile.


Description—The size, in MB, of each queuing transaction log file.

Values—any valid file size, up to 4095 MB


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—The minimum amount of disk space, in MB, in the specified QJournalDir that must be available at all times.

Values—dependent on the amount of physical disk space available


Console Setting—Edit Server Properties page, Queue section, Minimum free disk space

Service restart required—No

Notes—The QJournalFreeSpaceMin should be less than the amount of physical disk space minus QJournalSpaceMax.


Description—The number of operations being pulled from the disk queue at one time. Do not modify this setting.


Description—The maximum amount of disk space, in MB, in the specified QJournalDir that can be used for Double-Take queuing. When this limit is reached, Double-Take will automatically begin the auto-disconnect process.

Values—dependent on the amount of physical disk space available


Console Setting—Edit Server Properties page, Queue section, Limit disk space for queue

Service restart required—No

Notes—The unlimited setting allows the disk queue usage to automatically expand whenever the available disk space expands. Setting this option to zero (0) disables disk queuing. Even if you are using the unlimited option, Double-Take will only store 16,384 log files. If you are using the default 5MB file size, this is approximately 80GB of data. If you anticipate needing to be able to queue more data than this, you should increase the size of the log files.


Description—Specifies if the disk queues are write-through mode

Values—0 Disk queues are not write-through mode, 1 Disk queues are write-through mode


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No

Notes—While write-through mode may decrease the frequency of auto-disconnects, it may also decrease the performance of the source server.


Description—The amount of Windows system memory, in MB, that, when exceeded, will trigger queuing to disk.

Values—minimum 512, maximum is dependent on the server hardware and operating system


Console Setting—Edit Server Properties page, Queue section, Amount of system memory to use

Service restart required—Yes


Description—Identifies if the Double-Take service will reopen closed files on the quorum drive

Values—0 The Double-Take service will not attempt to reopen a closed file on the quroum drive to get security descriptors or last modified times, 1 The Double-Take service will attempt to reopen a closed file on the quroum drive to get security descriptors or last modified times.


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—The percentage of the queue that must be in use to trigger an alert message in the Windows Event Viewer.

Values—any valid percentage


Console Setting—Edit Server Properties page, Queue section, Alert at this queue usage

Service restart required—Yes


Description—This entry is no longer used.


Description—This entry is no longer used.


Description—This entry is no longer used.


Description—Specifies if shares are removed on the target machine when a Double-Take protected data set is disconnected from a target or a source machine is manually shutdown by the administrator. (Shares are not removed if either the source or target machines fail.)

Values—0 Remove shares from the target, 1 Do not remove shares from the target


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—Specifies whether or not to replace the target identity with the source identity during a failover

Values—0 Do not replace, 1 Replace


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—Determines whether or not Double-Take replicates permissions and attributes assigned to local (non-domain) users and groups

Values—0 Do not replicate by name, 1 Replicate by name


Console Setting—Edit Server Properties page, Source section, Replicate NTFS security attributes by name

Service restart required—No


Description—Specifies the script to run if validation of the replication drive fails

Values—Any valid path and script file


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—Specifies the interval, in seconds, between validation checks when ReplicationDiskCheckSript is populated

Values—any integer


GUI Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—Name of the database that contains protected data set information

Values—any valid file name


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—Determines if the restoration process overwrites existing files

Values—0 never overwrite, 1 always overwrite, 2 overwrite if older


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—This entry is no longer used.


Description—This entry will be used in the future.


Description—Specifies if DTInfo is launched before a failover or cutover when protecting an entire server

Values—0 Do not launch DTInfo, 1 Launch DTInfo


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—If a script is specified, the script is launched on the target before Double-Take executes any snapshots. The snapshot will not be executed until the script has completed. If the script returns an error, the snapshot will still execute.

Values—any valid path and script name


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—Specifies if a script specified in RunScriptAtSnaptime is executed

Values—0 Execute script specified in RunScriptAtSnaptime, 1 Do not execute script specified in RunScriptAtSnaptime


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—Determines if the statistic.sts (statistics logging) file is saved or ovewritten

Values—0 overwrite, 1 saved as statistic-old.sts


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—Name of the database file that contains transmission scheduling information

Values—any valid file name


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—Yes


Description—The number of seconds to wait before checking the transmission schedules to see if transmission should be started or stopped

Values—1 - 3600


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—Yes


Description—Specifies if the last modified time for directories will be transmitted to the target during a difference mirror

Values—0 last modified time on directories will not be sent to the target, 1 last modified time on directories will be sent to the target


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—Specifies whether a file is accessed twice so that the file’s creation time can be modified to match the source

Values—0 The Double-Take service will not access newly created files that have not been modified. These files on the target will have the date and time of when the file was created on the target, 1 The Double-Take service will access newly created files. These files on the target will have the same date and time as the source.


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No

Notes—New files created on the source that have not been modified will have the date and time of when the file is created on the target. The date and time will be corrected to match the source’s true file attributes when a remirror or verification modifies them to match the source or the file is modified by a user or application on the source. For example, if the source machine's clock is set to 2:00 PM and the target machine is set to 4:00 PM, a newly created file that has not been modified will have a time stamp of 4:00 PM when it is applied to the target. If this option is enabled (1), Double-Take will access the file twice, to correctly set the time to 2:00 PM to reflect the file’s true attributes. If this option is disabled (0), Double-Take will not access the file twice, and the file will have the target time of 4:00 PM until it is modified (remirror, verification, or user or application update).


Description—Specifies that the last modified time attribute is sent when a file is closed

Values—0 Last modified time is sent when Double-Take has not received any additional operations for the file in the time period specified by LastModifiedReadDelay, 1 Last modified time is sent when a file is closed, which may not be immediately depending on system processing


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No

Notes—If system processing delays (such as the system cache manager not flushing quickly enough) are causing delays in processing the last modified time, you may want to consider disabling this option (0).


Description—Used internally by the Double-Take service to identify Double-Take connections and IP addresses used between servers

Values—Unique identifier generated by Double-Take

Default—Generated by Double-Take

Console Setting—None

Service restart required—Yes

Notes—If you are certain that the server is not being used by any jobs, you can delete the ServerUUID. For example, you may want to delete the ServerUUID so that you can create an image of a server after installing Double-Take. A deleted ServerUUID will be re-created the next time the Double-Take service is started. Keep in mind, if you delete the ServerUUID and the server is being used by any jobs, you will have problems with all aspects of Double-Take including mirroring, replication, and failover.


Description—The priority level at which the Double-Take service runs.

Values—2 normal priority, 3 high priority


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—Yes

Notes—The Double-Take service runs at normal priority by default. This option should not be modified, however, if the priority is raised to high (3), it can be done through Windows Task Manager.


Description—Services that will not be stopped on the target

Values—Comma separated list of service names


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—Used internally by the Double-Take service. Do not modify this entry.


Description—Specifies whether or not to failover shares

Values—0 Do not failover shares, 1 Failover shares


Console Setting—Set Options page, Failover Options section, Failover shares

Service restart required—No


Description—Specifies how often, in minutes, the share file will be sent to the target

Values—1 - 65535


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—Specifies how often, in minutes, the registry is scanned for short file names

Values—any valid integer


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—Specifies the amount of time, in minutes, to wait for the source to shutdown during failover or cutover

Values—any valid integer


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—The amount of time, in seconds, for the service to wait prior to completing the shutdown so that Double-Take can persist data on the target in an attempt to avoid a remirror when the target comes back online

Values—any valid number of seconds where 0 (zero) indicates waiting indefinitely and any other number indicates the number of seconds


Console Setting—Edit Server Properties page, Setup section, Time allowed to complete shutdown operations

Service restart required—No

Notes—This setting only controls the service shutdown from the Double-Take clients. It does not control the service shutdown through a reboot or from the Service Control Manager.


Description—A period delimited list of file types that are not compressed, even if compression is enabled.

Values—any period delimited list of file types


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—Specifies the type of snapshot that Double-Take takes

Values—0 Create a client-accessible or non-client-accessible snapshot based on the job type , 1 Always create a client-accessible snapshot, 2 Always create a non-client-accessible snapshot


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—The number of files to compare during a source newer difference mirror



Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—The number of operations received by the target queue in which the source is waiting for a response

Values—100 - 20,000


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—Path on the source where the source post-failback script is located

Values—Any valid path


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—Arguments to be used with the source post-failback script

Values—Any valid argument


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—Specifies if the activation code on the target is replaced or maintained after a full-serer failover or cutover. Do not modify this entry.


Description—Used by full server jobs to determine services to shutdown during failover or cutover. Do not modify this entry.


Description—Specifies if the source is shutdown when performing failover or cutover

Values—0 The source will not be shutdown, 1 The source will be shutdown


Console Setting—Set Options page, Failover Options section, Shutdown the source server

Service restart required—Yes

Notes—This setting must be applied on the target server.


Description—Specifies the folder to use for staging system state files for full server failover or cutover. Do not modify this entry.


Description—Used by full server jobs to determine how target disk signatures are used. Do not modify this entry.


Description—Used by full server jobs to control the post-failover script after reboot after failover. Do not modify this entry.


Description—Indicates which driver statistics are logged to the Double-Take log

Values—0 No driver statistics are logged, 1 State, 2 Operations, 4 Paging, 8 Timing


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—Yes

Notes—Use the sum of various values to log multiple driver statistics. For example, a setting of 5 would log paging and state statistics. A setting of 7 would log paging, operations, and state statistics. A setting of 15 would log all driver statistics.


Description—Default file for logging statistics

Values—any valid file name


Console Setting—Edit Server Properties page, Logging section, Filename (under Statistics)

Service restart required—No


Description—Specifies if Double-Take logs statistics at startup

Values—0 Stats logging does not start when Double-Take starts, 1 Stats logging starts when Double-Take starts


Console Setting—Edit Server Properties page, Setup section, Setup Options, Log statistics automatically

Service restart required—No


Description—Maximum size, in MB, for the statistic.sts file

Values—limited by available disk space


Console Setting—Edit Server Properties page, Logging section, Maximum size (under Statistics)

Service restart required—No


Description—This entry is no longer used.


Description—Port used by pre-5.2 versions for DTStat to gather statistics

Values—1025 - 65535


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—Yes


Description—This entry is no longer used.


Description—Interval, in minutes, in which statistics are written to the statistic.sts file

Values—0 - 65535


Console Setting—Edit Server Properties page, Logging section, Write interval

Service restart required—No


Description—Set by the Double-Take service, each time it is started, to record the amount of available memory.


Description—Internal setting that indicates if the target machine is paused. Do not modify this setting.


Description—Internal setting that indicates which target machines are paused. Do not modify this setting.


Description—Size of the TCP/IP buffer in bytes.



Console Setting—None

Service restart required—Yes

Notes—The default setting creates a TCP window that will accommodate most environments. In most environments, this value will not need to be adjusted. However, if your Double-Take network has a long end-to-end route and the throughput is not where you would expect it to be, then adjusting this parameter may have beneficial results. This value is the bandwidth delay product, which is calculated using the bandwidth of the network (in bits/second) times the round trip time (in seconds) between the two ends. Use the following recommended settings to improve Double-Take throughput performance.

While the calculations are fairly straight forward, the values that have been suggested are not exact because they depend on round trip time. Some improvements could be gained by adjusting these values either higher or lower. The value suited for your environment can best be determined through trial and error testing.


Description—Temporary directory used when replicating Windows 200x encrypted files.

Values—Any valid path

Default\Program Files\Vision Solutions\Double-Take\Temp

Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—Applies security settings to the volume of a mount point instead of applying them to the directory that the mount point is mounted to.

Values—0 Security will be applied to the directory, 1 Security will be applied to the volume


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—Yes

Notes—This setting needs to be applied to the target server.


Description—Blocks the target path for all connections, regardless of the source, so that the data cannot be modified

Values—0 Target paths are not blocked, 1 Target paths are blocked


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—The length of time, in milliseconds, a file is held open on the target

Values—0 - 2000


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No

Notes—If disk caching on the target is disabled either manually or by default (for example, by default on disks that host Active Directory database files), the target system may be slow during a mirror. If so, descreasing this setting to 100, 10, and 0 will result in incremental improvements, with 0 returning the system performance to normal.


Description—Specifies the length of time, in days, to keep moved files if TGMoveFilesOnDelete is enabled

Values—any valid integer


Console Setting—Edit Server Properties page, Target section, Remove deleted files after this number of days

Service restart required—No


Description—Specifies whether or not the attributes compression, ACL, and file mask are written to the target during mirroring and replication

Values—0 Enable attribute replication 1 Disable attribute replication


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—The number of times an unfinished operation will be retried on the target before it is discarded. If this value is set to zero (0), an operation will never be discarded and will be retried on the target until it is applied.

Values—0 - 65536


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—Indicates that Double-Take allocates an entire file on the first write of a mirror operation

Values—0 Disabled 1 Enabled


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No

Notes—To help eliminate file fragmentation on the target server, Double-Take should allocate the entire file first. With extremely large files, the file allocation may take a long time. Therefore, you may want to disable the file allocation. If you disable file allocation, you will have more fragmentation on the target disk.


Description—Maximum percentage of system memory that can contain mirror data before the target signals the source to pause the sending of mirror operations.



Console Setting—Edit Server Properties page, Target section, Pause mirroring at this level

Service restart required—No


Description—Minimum percentage of system memory that can contain mirror data before the target signals the source to resume the sending of mirror operations.



Console Setting—Edit Server Properties page, Target section, Resume mirroring at this level

Service restart required—No

Notes—The maximum value forTGMirrorCapacityLow is either 75 or TGMirrorCapacityHigh, which ever is lower.


Description—Specifies whether files deleted on the source are actually moved to a different location on the target rather than being deleted on the target

Values—0 Files deleted on the source will be deleted on the target, 1 Files deleted on the source will be moved to a different location on the target


Console Setting—Edit Server Properties page, Target section, Moved deleted files to this folder

Service restart required—No

Notes—If this option is enabled, the deleted files will be moved to the location specified in TGMoveFilesPath.


Description—Specifies where deleted files on the source are being moved to on the target

Values—any valid path


Console Setting—Edit Server Properties page, Target section, Moved deleted files to this folder

Service restart required—No


Description—Specifies if deleted files that will be moved on the target (see TGMoveFilesOnDelete) will be moved to a single directory structure

Values—0 Use the same directory structure on the target as the source to store deleted files, 1 Use a single directory structure on the target to store deleted files


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—Minimum number of seconds to wait before retrying a failed operation on a target



Console Setting—Edit Server Properties page, Target section, Retry delay for incomplete operations

Service restart required—No


Description—This setting is no longer used


Description—Specifies whether or not unfinished operations on the target are logged to the Event Viewer

Values—0 Unfinished operation messages are not logged, 1 Unfinished operation messages are logged


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—Specifies whether or not Double-Take uses the intermediate cache

Values—0 Bypass the intermediate cache and write directly to disk, 1 Do not bypass the intermediate cache

Default—0 for full server to ESX appliance jobs, 1 for all other job types

Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—Specifies the number of times an operation will be retried on the target before a notification is sent to update the target status



Console Setting—None

Service restart required—Yes

Notes—If you change the setting to 0, the notification will be disabled. Changing this option will only affect how the target status is displayed. To solve the underlying issue of why the operations are failing will require investigation into the Double-Take log files.


Description—This setting is no longer used


Description—Used by the Double-Take installation program to maintain the installation settings for an upgrade. Do not modify this entry.


Description—Specifies if the Windows NTFS change journal is used to track file changes. If the source is rebooted, only the files identified in the change journal will be remirrored to the target. This setting helps improve mirror times.

Values—0 Do not track file changes, 1 Track file changes and remirror only changed files on source reboot, 2 Track file changes and remirror only changed files on source reboot and auto-reconnect


Console Setting—Edit Server Properties page, Setup section, Mirror only changed files when source reboots

Service restart required—Yes

Notes—The corresponding Console Setting only allows off (0) and on (1) settings. Therefore, if you set UseChangeJournal to 2, the corresponding Console Setting will be disabled. The Console Setting will be reenabled when UseChangeJournal is set to 0 or 1.


Description—Specifies whether or not messages are logged to the Windows Event Viewer

Values—0 Do not log messages to the Event Viewer, 1 Log messages to the Event Viewer


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—This setting is no longer used


Description—Specifies whether or not user intervention is required to initiate a failover or cutover

Values—0 User intervention is not required, 1 User intervention is required


Console Setting—Set Options page, Failover Options section, Wait for user to initiate failover

Service restart required—No


Description—Used by Double-Take for internal schedule processing. Do not modify this setting.


Description—Specifies whether to create and use a share file or to use the shares that are currently stored in the target memory

Values—0 Use the shares that are currently stored in the target memory, 1 Create and use a file containing the share information


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—Specifies whether the DTVerify.log file will be appended to or overwritten

Values—0 Overwrite, 1 Append


Console Setting—Edit Server Properties page, Logging section, Append

Service restart required—No


Description—Maximum size of the DTVerify.log file in bytes

Values—limited by available hard drive space, up to 4 GB


Console Setting—Edit Server Properties page, Logging section, Maximum size (under Verification)

Service restart required—No


Description—Name of the verification log file

Values—any valid file name


Console Setting—Edit Server Properties page, Logging section, File name (under Verification)

Service restart required—No


Description—The time, in minutes, between when one verification fails and a retry is scheduled to begin.

Values—any valid number


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—The number of time a verification will be retried.

Values—any valid number


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—The version of Double-Take that was installed. Do not modify this entry.


Description—This entry is no longer used.


Description—Creates a troubleshooting dump file if the Double-Take driver stops running

Values—0 Do not create a dump file, 1 Create a dump file


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


Description—Specifies the script to run if the Double-Take driver stops running

Values—Any valid path and script file


Console Setting—None

Service restart required—No


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