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The following tables identify the Double-Take Performance Monitor statistics for each Double-Take counter. For each statistic, you will find the following information.
If you have multiple IP addresses connected to one target server, you will see multiple Double-Take Target statistic sections for each IP address.
Bandwidth Limit
Description—The amount of bandwidth that may be used to transfer data
SCOM alert—Disabled
Bytes in disk queue
Description—The number of bytes in the source disk queue
SCOM alert—Disabled
Bytes in replication queue
Description—The number of replication bytes in the source queue
SCOM alert—Disabled
Bytes in the mirror queue
Description—The number of mirror bytes in the source queue
SCOM alert—Disabled
Bytes received
Description—The number of bytes received by the target since the last Performance Monitor refresh
SCOM alert—Disabled
Bytes transferred
Description—The number of bytes transmitted from the source
SCOM alert—Disabled
Compressed bytes transferred
Description—The number of compressed bytes transmitted from the source
SCOM alert—Disabled
Operations in acknowledgement queue
Description—The number of operations waiting in the source acknowledgement queue
SCOM alert—Disabled
Operations in command queue
Description—The number of operations waiting in the source command queue
SCOM alert—Disabled
Operations in mirror queue
Description—The number of mirror operations in the source queue
SCOM alert—Disabled
Operations in replication queue
Description—The number of replication operations in the source queue
SCOM alert—Disabled
Operations received
Description—The number of operations received by the target since the last Performance Monitor refresh
SCOM alert—Disabled
Operations resent
Description—The number of operations re-sent since the last time the Double-Take service was restarted on the source
SCOM alert—Disabled
Operations transmitted
Description—The number of operations transmitted from the source
SCOM alert—Disabled
Task commands queued
Counter—Double-Take Connection
Description—The number of task commands queued on the source
SCOM alert—Disabled
Task commands submitted
Description—The number of task commands submitted on the source
SCOM alert—Disabled
Tasks failed
Description—The number of task commands that have failed to execute on the source
SCOM alert—Disabled
Tasks ignored
Description—The number of task commands that have been ignored on the source
SCOM alert—Disabled
Tasks succeeded
Description—The number of task commands that have succeeded on the source
SCOM alert—Disabled
Activation code failures
Description—The number of activation code failures when loading the source or target, since the last time the Double-Take service was restarted on the source
SCOM alert—Disabled
CRC Read Time
Description—The length of time, in microseconds, spent reading CRC (cyclic redundancy check) data on the target. If this value is longer than the standard access time of the target's storage device, it indicates there is possibly an issue reading the data on the target. For example, if the target storage is a SAN, there may be an issue with the way the SAN is configured.
SCOM alert—No rule defined
CRC Thread Count
Description—The number of commands being executed simultaneously on the target. In a properly functioning environment, this number should never be greater than the number of difference mirrors currently being executed on the sources connected to this target. If the value grows larger than the number of currently executing difference mirrors, that indicates there is an error condition.
SCOM alert—No rule defined
Double-Take queue memory usage
Description—The amount of system memory in use by the Double-Take queue
SCOM alert—Disabled
Driver Queue Percent
Description—The amount of throttling calculated as a percentage of the stop replicating limit
SCOM alert—Disabled
Failed mirror operations
Description—The number of mirror operations on the source that failed due to an error reading the file from the disk
SCOM alert—Disabled
Failed replication operations
Description—The number of replication operations on the source that failed due to an error reading the file from the disk
SCOM alert—Disabled
Memory Pool Bytes Available
Description—The amount of memory, in bytes, in the Double-Take memory pool that can be used for Double-Take operations. When Double-Take is at or near idle, the pool bytes available and pool total bytes will at or near equal. If Double-Take is queuing, the pool bytes available will be at or near zero and the pool total bytes will be larger (near 256 MB based on default settings).
SCOM alert—No rule defined
Memory Pool Total Bytes
Description—The amount of memory, in bytes, that Double-Take has allocated for memory pooling. When Double-Take is at or near idle, the pool bytes available and pool total bytes will at or near equal. If Double-Take is queuing, the pool bytes available will be at or near zero and the pool total bytes will be larger (near 256 MB based on default settings).
SCOM alert—No rule defined
Mirror Kbytes generated
Description—The number of mirror kilobytes transmitted to the target. This is the number of bytes generated during mirroring. In other words, this is roughly the amount of traffic being sent across the network that is generated by the mirror. It does not take into account TCP/IP overhead (headers and such), however it does account for attributes and other overhead associated with creating a file. With many small files in a directory, you will see larger statistics than expected because of the file creation overhead. Any subsequent remirror will reset this field to zero and increment from there.
SCOM alert—Disabled
Mirror operations generated
Description—The number of mirror operations transmitted from the source
SCOM alert—Disabled
Open Target Handles
Description—The number of handles currently open on the target.
SCOM alert—Disabled
Replication Kbytes generated
Description—The number of replication kilobytes generated on the source by the file system driver
SCOM alert—Disabled
Replication operations generated
Description—The number of replication operations generated on the source by the file system driver
SCOM alert—Disabled
Failed logins
Description—Number of failed login attempts since the last time the Double-Take service was restarted
SCOM alert—Disabled
Successful logins
Description—Number of successful login attempts since the last time the Double-Take service was restarted
SCOM alert—Disabled
Auto disconnects
Description—The number of automatic disconnects since the last time the Double-Take service was restarted on the source
SCOM alert—Enabled
Auto reconnects
Description—The number of automatic reconnects since the last time the Double-Take service was restarted on the source
SCOM alert—Disabled
Bytes in Disk Queue
Description—The number of bytes in the target disk queue
SCOM alert—Disabled
Bytes in Queue
Description—The number of bytes in the system memory and disk queues
SCOM alert—Disabled
Mirror operations received
Description—The number of mirror operations received on the target
SCOM alert—Disabled
Operations received
Description—The number of operations received on the target
SCOM alert—Disabled
Ops Dropped
Description—The number of operations dropped on the target since the last time the Double-Take service was restarted on the target
SCOM alert—Disabled
Ops Remaining
Description—The number of operations on the target remaining to be applied
SCOM alert—Disabled
Orphan Bytes
Description—The number of orphan bytes removed from the target
SCOM alert—Disabled
Orphan Directories
Description—The number of orphan directories removed from the target
SCOM alert—Disabled
Orphan Files
Description—The number of orphan files removed from the target
SCOM alert—Disabled
Description—The number of retries performed on the target since the last time the Double-Take service was restarted on the target
SCOM alert—Disabled
Tasks failed
Description—The number of task commands that have failed on the target.
SCOM alert—Disabled
Tasks ignored
Description—The number of task commands that have been ignored on the target
SCOM alert—Disabled
Tasks succeeded
Description—The number of task commands that have succeeded on the target
SCOM alert—Disabled