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The following table identifies the Double-Take events. The event ID is followed by the event message. Below the ID and message you will find the following information.
Double-Take Availability and Double-Take Move share the same set of event messages. Some messages apply to one product, some to the other, and some to both. For messages that apply to both, the Double-Take Availability terminology is used. For example, message 5100 indicates failover completed. This same message will also be seen when cutover is completed.
Variables that are dynamically updated in a generated message are designated by a percent symbol followed by a number. For example, the message "The evaluation period expires in %1 day(s)" will have a number automatically inserted for %1, so the message you see might be "The evaluation period expires in 12 day(s)." Variables are used for things like server names, error codes, numbers, and so on.
1: This evaluation period has expired. Mirroring and replication have been stopped. To obtain a license, please contact your vendor.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Error
Required response—Contact your vendor to purchase either a single or site license.
SCOM alert—Enabled
2: The evaluation period expires in %1 day(s).
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—Contact your vendor before the evaluation period expires to purchase either a single or site license.
SCOM alert—Enabled
3: The evaluation period has been activated and expires in %1 day(s).
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—Contact your vendor before the evaluation period expires to purchase either a single or site license.
SCOM alert—Disabled
4: Duplicate activation codes detected on machine %1 from machine %2.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—If you have an evaluation license or a site license, no action is necessary. If you have a single license, you must purchase either another single license or a site license.
SCOM alert—Enabled
5: This product edition can only be run on Windows Server or Advanced Server running the Server Appliance Kit.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Verify your activation code has been entered correctly.
SCOM alert—Enabled
6: Evaluation period ends today at %1.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—Contact your vendor to purchase either a single or site license.
SCOM alert—Enabled
7: Product activation code is invalid. Please check that it is typed correctly and is valid for the version of the operating system in use.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Error
User action required—If you are in the process of installing Double-Take, verify that you are using a 24 character alpha-numeric code. If Double-Take is already installed, confirm that the code entered is correct. If the code appears to be correct, contact technical support.
SCOM alert—Enabled
100: Critical Error: %1 line %2, %3.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Contact technical support with the details from this message.
SCOM alert—Enabled
101: Service has aborted due to the following unrecoverable error: %1.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Restart the Double-Take service. Contact technical support if this event occurs repeatedly.
SCOM alert—Enabled
200: ExchFailover failover from %1 to %2 was started in commit mode. See log file %3 for details.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—See the specific log message for additional details.
SCOM alert—Enabled
201: ExchFailover failover from %1 to %2 was started in test mode. See log file %3 for details.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—See the specific log message for additional details.
SCOM alert—Enabled
202: ExchFailover failback to %1 from %2 was started in commit mode. See log file %3 for details.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—See the specific log message for additional details.
SCOM alert—Enabled
203: ExchFailover failback to %1 from %2 was started in test mode. See log file %3 for details.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—See the specific log message for additional details.
SCOM alert—Enabled
204: ExchFailover setup started for server %1. See log file %2 for details.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—See the specific log message for additional details.
SCOM alert—Enabled
205: ExchFailover was unable to open the default log file. A new log file has been created. All messages will be log in %1.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Error
User action required—See the specific log message for additional details.
SCOM alert—Enabled
210: ExchFailover completed. Moved %1 users in %2 mail stores in %3 seconds. Check log file %4 for details.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Success
User action required—See the specific log message for additional details.
SCOM alert—Enabled
211: ExchFailover completed with warnings. Moved %1 users in %2 mail stores in %3 seconds. Check log file %4 for details.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—See the specific log message for additional details.
SCOM alert—Enabled
212: ExchFailover completed. Tested %1 users in %2 mail stores in %3 seconds. Check log file %4 for details.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Success
User action required—See the specific log message for additional details.
SCOM alert—Enabled
213: ExchFailover completed with warnings. Moved %1 users in %2 mail stores in %3 seconds. Check log file %4 for details.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—See the specific log message for additional details.
SCOM alert—Enabled
214: ExchFailover setup completed. Updated %1 mail stores in %2 seconds. Check log file %3 for details.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Success
User action required—See the specific log message for additional details.
SCOM alert—Enabled
220: ExchFailover start failed. Could not open log file: %1.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Restart failover. Contact technical support if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
221: ExchFailover start failed. Invalid command line arguments. See log file %1 for details.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Error
User action required—See the specific log message for additional details.
SCOM alert—Enabled
222: ExchFailover start failed. Double-Take is not licensed on this machine.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Verify your activation code has been entered correctly and contact technical support.
SCOM alert—Enabled
223: ExchFailover start failed due to an Active Directory error.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Restart failover. Contact technical support if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
224: ExchFailover failed to find one (or both) of the Exchange servers. Check the server names. This can also occur if the process does not have sufficient privileges to access Active Directory.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Verify the Exchange server names and the account has sufficient privileges to update Active Directory.
SCOM alert—Enabled
1000: An exception occurred: %1
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Run the installation and select Repair. Contact technical support if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
1001: The Double-Take counter DLL could not initialize the statistics handler object to gather performance data.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Run the installation and select Repair. Contact technical support if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
1002: The Double-Take counter DLL could not map shared memory file containing the performance data.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Run the installation and select Repair. Contact technical support if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
1003: The Double-Take counter DLL could not open the "Performance" key in the Double-Take section of the registry.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Run the installation and select Repair. Contact technical support if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
1004: The Double-Take counter DLL could not read the "First Counter" value under the Double-Take\Performance Key.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Run the installation and select Repair. Contact technical support if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
1005: The Double-Take counter DLL read the "First Help" value under the Double-Take\Performance Key.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Run the installation and select Repair. Contact technical support if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
1006: The Double-Take counter DLL could not create event handler for the worker thread.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Run the installation and select Repair. Contact technical support if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4000: Kernel was successfully started.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4001: Target service was successfully started.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4002: Source service was successfully started.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4003: Source service was successfully stopped.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4004: Target service was successfully stopped.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4005: Kernel was successfully stopped.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4007: Auto-disconnecting from %1 (%2) for Replication Set %3, ID: %4 due to %5
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—The connection is auto-disconnecting because the disk-based queue on the source has been filled, the service has encountered an unknown file ID, the target server has restarted, or an error has occurred during disk queuing on the source or target (for example, Double-Take cannot read from or write to the transaction log file).
SCOM alert—Enabled
4008: Auto-disconnect has succeeded for %1 (%2) for Replication Set %3, ID: %4
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4009: Auto-reconnecting Replication Set %1 to %2 (%3)
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4010: Auto-reconnect has succeeded connecting Replication Set %1 to %2 (%3)
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Disabled
4011: Auto-reconnect has failed connecting Replication Set %1 to %2 (%3)
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Manually reestablish the job to target connection.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4014: Service has started network transmission.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Disabled
4015: Service has stopped network transmission.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4016: Service has established a connection to %1 (%2) for Replication Set %3, ID: %4
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Disabled
4017: Service has disconnected from %1 (%2) for Replication Set %3, ID: %4
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4018: %1, however, mirroring and replication have been disabled as a restore is required due to a previous failover.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—Perform a restoration.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4019: Service has started a mirror to %1 (%2) for Replication Set %3, ID: %4
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4020: Service has paused a mirror to %1 (%2) for Replication Set %3, ID: %4
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4021: Service has resumed a mirror to %1 (%2) for Replication Set %3, ID: %4
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Disabled
4022: Service has stopped a mirror to %1 for Replication Set %2, ID: %3, %4
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4023: Service has completed a mirror to %1 %2 for Replication Set %3, ID: %4, %5
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4024: Service has started Replication to %1 (%2) for Replication Set %3, ID: %4
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Disabled
4025: Service has stopped Replication to %1 (%2) for Replication Set %3, ID: %4
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4026: The target has been paused due to user intervention.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4027: The target has been resumed due to user intervention.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4028: Registration of service class with Active Directory failed. Verify that the Active Directory server is up and the service has the proper permissions to update its entries.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—Verify that the Active Directory server is running and that the Double-Take service has permission to update Active Directory.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4029: Registration of service instance with Active Directory failed. Verify that the Active Directory server is up and the service has the proper permissions to update its entries.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—Verify that the Active Directory server is running and that the Double-Take service has permission to update Active Directory.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4030: RSResource.dll has an unknown error. The product functionality has been disabled.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Reinstall the software, using the installation Repair option, to install a new copy of the RSResource.dll. Contact technical support if this error persists.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4031: RSResource.dll could not be opened. The product functionality has been disabled.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Reinstall the software, using the installation Repair option, to install a new copy of the RSResource.dll. Contact technical support if this error persists.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4032: The RSResource.dll component version does not match the component version expected by the product. The product functionality has been disabled.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Reinstall the software, using the installation Repair option, to install a new copy of the RSResource.dll. Contact technical support if this error persists.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4033: RSResource.dll build version is invalid. The product functionality has been disabled.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Reinstall the software, using the installation Repair option, to install a new copy of the RSResource.dll. Contact technical support if this error persists.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4034: Error verifying the service name. The product functionality has been disabled.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Reinstall the software, using the installation Repair option, to install a new copy of the RSResource.dll. Contact technical support if this error persists.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4035: Error verifying the product name. The product functionality has been disabled.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Reinstall the software, using the installation Repair option, to install a new copy of the RSResource.dll. Contact technical support if this error persists.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4036: Error verifying the vendor name. The product functionality has been disabled.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Reinstall the software, using the installation Repair option, to install a new copy of the RSResource.dll. Contact technical support if this error persists.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4037: Error verifying the vendor URL name. The product functionality has been disabled.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Reinstall the software, using the installation Repair option, to install a new copy of the RSResource.dll. Contact technical support if this error persists.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4038: Error verifying the product code. The product functionality has been disabled.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Reinstall the software, using the installation Repair option, to install a new copy of the RSResource.dll. Contact technical support if this error persists.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4039: Error while reading RSResource.dll. The product functionality has been disabled.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Reinstall the software, using the installation Repair option, to install a new copy of the RSResource.dll. Contact technical support if this error persists.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4040: The product code is illegal for this computer hardware. The product functionality has been disabled.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Reinstall the software, using the installation Repair option, to install a new copy of the RSResource.dll. Contact technical support if this error persists.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4041: The product code is illegal for this operating system version. The product functionality has been disabled.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Reinstall the software, using the installation Repair option, to install a new copy of the RSResource.dll. Contact technical support if this error persists.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4042: The product code requires installing the Windows Server Appliance Kit. The product functionality has been disabled.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Reinstall the software, using the installation Repair option, to install a new copy of the RSResource.dll. Contact technical support if this error persists.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4043: This product can only be run on a limited number of processors and this server exceeds the limit. The product functionality has been disabled.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Reinstall the software, using the installation Repair option, to install a new copy of the RSResource.dll. Contact technical support if this error persists.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4044: An error was encountered and replication has been stopped. It is necessary to stop and restart the service to correct this error.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Contact technical support if this error persists.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4045: %1 value must be between 1025 and 65535. Using default of %2.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—Verify that the Double-Take port value you are trying to use is within the valid range. If it is not, it will automatically be reset to the default value.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4046: This service failed to start because of a possible port conflict. Win32 error: %1
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Verify that the Double-Take ports are not conflicting with ports used by other applications.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4047: Could not load ZLIB DLL %1. Some levels of compression will not be available.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—The compression levels available depend on your operating system. You can reinstall the software, using the installation Repair option, to install a new copy of the DynaZip.dll, or contact technical support if this error persists.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4048: Service has started a delete orphans task to %1 (%2) for Replication Set %3, ID: %4
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Disabled
4049: Service has paused a delete orphans task to %1 (%2) for Replication Set %3, ID: %4
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Disabled
4050: Service has resumed a delete orphans task to %1 (%2) for Replication Set %3, ID: %4
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Disabled
4051: Service has stopped a delete orphans task to %1 (%2) for Replication Set %3, ID: %4
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Disabled
4052: Service has completed a delete orphans task to %1 (%2) for Replication Set %3, ID: %4
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Disabled
4053: Service has started a restore task to %1 (%2) for Replication Set %3, ID: %4
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Disabled
4054: Service has paused a restore task to %1 (%2) for Replication Set %3, ID: %4
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Disabled
4055: Service has resumed a restore task to %1 (%2) for Replication Set %3, ID: %4
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Disabled
4056: Service has stopped a restore task to %1 (%2) for Replication Set %3, ID: %4
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4057: Service has completed a restore task to %1 (%2) for Replication Set %3, ID: %4
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4058: Service has started a verification task to %1 (%2) for Replication Set %3, ID: %4
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Disabled
4059: Service has paused a verification task to %1 (%2) for Replication Set %3, ID: %4
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Disabled
4060: Service has resumed a verification task to %1 (%2) for Replication Set %3, ID: %4
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Disabled
4061: Service has stopped a verification task to %1 (%2) for Replication Set %3, ID: %4
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4062: Service has completed a verification task to %1 (%2) for Replication Set %3, ID: %4
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4063: Bandwidth limit to %1 (%2) has changed to %3.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4064: Bandwidth limit to %1 (%2) is now in the "%3" period at %4.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Disabled
4065: Target data state for connection %1 from %2 (%3) has changed because %4.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4066: The product code requires a virtual server environment. The product functionality has been disabled.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Error
User action required—The activation code you are using is for the Virtual SystemsTM edition. This code will not work on non-virtual server environments.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4067: No replication ops have been received from the driver for an extended period of time.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Check other messages for errors with the Double-Take drivers, and correct as required. If there are no driver messages, verify that your drives are connected to the source. If this error persists, contact technical support.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4068: Failed to write to a replicating volume.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Reboot the source server. Contact technical support if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4069: The option MoveOrphansDir has been updated because it was missing or empty.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4070: An error occurred while reading data for connection %1. All data needs to be remirrored. See the log for details.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Initiate a remirror to guarantee data integrity. Contact technical support if this event occurs repeatedly.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4071: Received network message with invalid checksum.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—Initiate a remirror to guarantee data integrity. Contact technical support if this event occurs repeatedly.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4072: QueueSizeAlertThreshold of %1% has been exceeded.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—If the queue reaches capacity, Double-Take will automatically begin the auto-disconnect process. If you see this message repeatedly, you may want to consider a larger queue or upgrading your server hardware to keep up with the amount of data changes in your environment.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4096: The registry parameter %2 is unknown.
Event log—System
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—Delete the parameter and report this issue to technical support.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4097: Failed to initialize WMI support. The last Word in the Data Window is the NT status code.
Event log—System
Source—RepDrv, RepKap, RepHsm, or RepSis
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4097: The file system filter failed to load. Replication will not occur. Reboot your server and contact technical support if this error occurs again. The last Word in the Data window is the NT status code.
Event log—System
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Reboot your server and contact technical support if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4098: The registry parameters failed to load, so the default configuration values will be used. The last Word in the Data window is the NT status code.
Event log—System
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4098: The control device %2 was not created. Communication with the service will be disabled. Reboot the server and contact technical support if this error occurs again. The last Word in the Data window is the NT status code.
Event log—System
Source—RepDrv, RepDac, RepKap, or RepHsm
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Reboot your server and contact technical support if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4099: The driver detected a hard link for a file on drive %2. Hard links are not supported. Changes to this file will not be replicated.
Event log—System
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—Hard links are not supported.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4099: The driver failed to register with filter manager. Reboot the server and contact technical support if this error occurs again. The last Word in the Data window is the NT status code.
Event log—System
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Reboot your server and contact technical support if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4100: The versions of the driver and the filter driver do not match. Replication will not occur. Reboot your server. If this error occurs again, reinstall the software. Contact technical support if this error occurs after the software has been reinstalled. The last three Words in the Data window are the NT status code and the driver version numbers.
Event log—System
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Reboot your server. Reinstall the software if this event occurs again. Contact technical support if this event occurs after reinstalling the software.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4110: Target cannot write %1 due to target disk being full. Operation will be retried (%2 times or forever)
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—The disk on the target is full. The operation will be retried according to the TGExecutionRetryLimit setting.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4111: Target can not write %1 due to a sharing violation. Operation will be retried (%2 times or forever)
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—A sharing violation error is prohibiting Double-Take from writing on the target. The operation will be retried according to the TGExecutionRetryLimit setting.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4112: Target can not write %1 due to access denied. Operation will be retried (%2 times or forever)
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—An access denied error is prohibiting Double-Take from writing on the target. The operation will be retried according to the TGExecutionRetryLimit setting..
SCOM alert—Enabled
4113: Target can not write %1 due to an unknown reason. Operation will be retried (%2 times or forever). Please check the log files for further information on the error.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—An unknown error is prohibiting Double-Take from writing on the target. The operation will be retried according to the TGExecutionRetryLimit setting.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4120: Target write to %1 was completed successfully after %2 retries.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Disabled
4150: Target write %1 failed after %2 retries and will be discarded. See the event log or log files for error conditions. After correcting the problem, you should re-mirror or run a verify to resynchronize the changes.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Error
User action required—The operation has been retried according to the TGExecutionRetryLimit setting but was not able to be written to the target and the operation was discarded. Correct the problem and remirror the files.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4155: The service was unable to complete a file system operation in the allotted time. See the log files for error conditions. After correcting the problem, remirror or perform a verification with remirror to synchronize the changes.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—Correct the file system error and then remirror or perform a verification with remirror to synchronize the changes.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4200: In band task %1 submitted from %2 by %3 at %4
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Disabled
4201: In band task %1 discarded (submitted from %2 by %3 at %4)
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—A task may be discarded in the following scenarios: all connections to a target are manually disconnected, replication is stopped for all connections to a target, or an auto-disconnect occurs. If one of these scenarios did not cause the task to be discarded, contact technical support.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4202: Running %1 in band script: %2 (task %3 submitted from %4 by %5 at %6)
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Disabled
4203: Completed run of in band script: %1 (exit code %2)
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Disabled
4204: Error running in band script: %1
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Review the task and its associated script(s) for syntax errors.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4205: Timeout (%1 seconds) running in band script: %2
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—The timeout specified for the script to complete has expired. Normal processing will continue. You may need to manually terminate the script if it will never complete
SCOM alert—Enabled
4206: Run timeout disabled for in band script: %1
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—The timeout period was set to zero (0). Double-Take will not wait for the script to complete before continuing. No action is required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4207: In band scripts disabled by server - no attempt will be made to run %1
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—Enable task command processing.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4300: A connection request was received on the target before the persistent target paths could be loaded.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Error
User action required—You may need to stop and restart your job.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4301: Unable to block target paths, the driver is unavailable.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Error
User action required—If you need to block your target paths, contact technical support.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4302: Target Path %1 has been successfully blocked
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Disabled
4303: Blocking of target path: %1 failed. Error Code: %2
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—If you need to block your target paths, contact technical support.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4304: Target Path %1 has been successfully unblocked
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Disabled
4305: Unblocking of target path: %1 failed. Error Code: %2
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—If you need to unblock your target paths, contact technical support.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4306: Target paths for source %1 (%2) Connection id: %3 are already blocked
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4307: Target paths for source %1 (%2) Connection id: %3 are already unblocked
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Disabled
4308: Error loading target paths for blocking, registry key %1 has been corrupted.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Error
User action required—If you need to block your target paths, contact technical support.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4400: Failed to create snapshot set for source %1 (%2) Connection ID: %3. Error: %4
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Error
User action required—The snapshot could not be created. This may be due to a lack of disk space or memory or another reason. The error code is the Microsoft VSS error. Check your VSS documentation or contact technical support.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4401: Failed to delete automatic snapshot set for source %1 (%2) Connection ID: %3. Error: %4
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Error
User action required—The automatic snapshot could not be deleted. This may be due to a lack of memory, the file does not exist, or another reason. The error code is the Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy error. Check your Volume Shadow Copy documentation or contact technical support.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4402: Failed to delete snapshot set for source %1 (%2) Connection ID: %3. Error: %4
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Error
User action required—The snapshot could not be deleted. This may be due to a lack of memory, the file does not exist, or another reason. The error code is the Microsoft Volume Shadow Copy error. Check your Volume Shadow Copy documentation or contact technical support.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4403: A scheduled snapshot could not be created for source %1 (%2) Connection ID: %3. because the target data was in a bad state. A snapshot will automatically be created when the target data reaches a good state.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Error
User action required—No action required. A snapshot will automatically be created when the target data reaches a good state.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4404: Set snapshot schedule for source %1 (%2) connection %3 to every %4 minutes. Next snapshot: %5.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4405: Removed snapshot schedule for source %1 (%2) connection %3.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4406: Enabled snapshot schedule for source %1 (%2) connection %3.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4407: Disabled snapshot schedule for source %1 (%2) connection %3.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4408: %1 was unable to move some orphans for source %2 on connection ID %3. Check the %1 logs for further details.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—Orphan files could not be moved. For example, the location could be out of disk space. Check the Double-Take log for more information.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4409: %3 was unable to delete some orphans for source %1 on connection ID %2. Check the %3 logs for further details.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—Orphan files could not be deleted. Check the Double-Take log for more information.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4410: The registry hive dump failed with an of error: %1.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Contact technical support.
SCOM alert—Enabled
4411: The Service has detected that port %1 is being %2 by the Windows Firewall.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—The firewall port needs to be unblocked or restrictions against Double-Take removed so that Double-Take data can be transmitted.
SCOM alert—Enabled
5100: Failover completed for %1.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
5101: IP address %1 with subnet mask %2 was added to target machine's %3 adapter.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Disabled
5102: %1 has reached a failover condition. A response from the user is required before failover can take place.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—Check your source machine and initiate failover, if user intervention for failover is configured. If you bring your source machine back online without initiating failover, the failover condition met state will be canceled.
SCOM alert—Enabled
5103: Started adding drive shares from %1 to %2.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Disabled
5104: %1 drive shares were taken over by %2.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Disabled
5105: Attempting to run the %1 script.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Disabled
5106: The %1 script ran successfully.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Disabled
5107: Error occurred in running %1 script.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Verify that the script identified exists with the proper permissions.
SCOM alert—Enabled
5108: The source machine %1 is not responding to a ping.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Error
User action required—This occurs when all monitored IP addresses on the source machine stop responding to pings. Countdown to failover will begin at the first occurrence and will continue until the source machine responds or until failover occurs.
SCOM alert—Enabled
5109: The public NIC on source machine %1 is not responding to a ping.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Error
User action required—The failover target did not receive an answer to its ping of the source machine. Eventually, a failover will result. Investigate possible errors (down server, network error, and so on).
SCOM alert—Enabled
5110: The %1 script "%2" is still running.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
5200: Failback completed for %1.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
5201: IP address %1 was removed from target machine's %2 adapter.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
5202: Unable to Failback properly because IP address %1 was missing a corresponding SubNet Mask.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Contact technical support.
SCOM alert—Enabled
5300: The following IP address was added to target's monitoring list: %1
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Disabled
5301: The following IP address was removed from target's monitoring list: %1
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Disabled
5302: Drive share information for %1 has been updated on the target machine.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Disabled
5303: The application monitor script has started successfully.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
5304: The application monitor script has finished successfully.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
5305: The application monitor has found the %1 service stopped.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—Application Manager will attempt to restart the service.
SCOM alert—Enabled
5306: The application monitor has restarted the %1 service.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
5307: The application monitor cannot contact the server %1.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Verify the server is running. Verify available network communications with the server.
SCOM alert—Enabled
5400: Broadcasted new MAC address %1 for IP address %2.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Disabled
5500: Could not connect to e-mail server. Check to make sure the SMTP server %1 is available (error code: %2).
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—Double-Take could not connect to your SMTP server or the username and/or password supplied is incorrect. Verify that SMTP server is available and that you have identified it correctly in your e-mail notification configuration. Also verify that your username and password have been entered correctly.
SCOM alert—Enabled
5501: E-mail notification could not be enabled (error code: %1).
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—This alert occurs if there is an unexpected error enabling e-mail notification during service startup. Check to see if any other errors related to e-mail notification have been logged. Also, check to make sure the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) service is enabled. If neither of these apply, contact technical support.
SCOM alert—Enabled
5502: E-mail notification could not be initialized. Check to make sure Internet Explorer 5.0 or later is installed.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—E-mail notification no longer requires Internet Explorer 5.0 or later. If you receive this error, contact technical support.
SCOM alert—Enabled
5503: E-mail notification could not be processed. Check to make sure the correct version of SMTPMail.DLL is registered on the system (error code: %1).
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—If you are using Double-Take or earlier and Windows NT 4.0, e-mail notification requires Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) to be installed. Verify that you have it installed on the Double-Take server.
SCOM alert—Enabled
5504: Could not load LocalRS.dll (for e-mail notification).
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—This alert occurs if there is an error loading the resource DLL for the service. Typically, this is caused by a missing LocalRS.dll file. Reinstall the software, using the installation Repair option, to install a new copy of the LocalRS.dll. Contact technical support if this error persists.
SCOM alert—Enabled
5505: E-mail could not be sent. Check e-mail settings (error code: %1).
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—Verify that the e-mail server that you have identified in your e-mail notification configuration is correct.
SCOM alert—Enabled
5506: One or more required e-mail settings have not been specified (error code: %1).
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—At a minimum, you must specify the e-mail server, the From and To addresses, and at least one type of event to include.
SCOM alert—Enabled
5507: E-mail notification could not be initialized. Check to make sure WMI is installed and available (error code: %1).
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—If you are using Double-Take or earlier and Windows NT 4.0, e-mail notification requires Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) to be installed. Verify that you have it installed on the Double-Take server.
SCOM alert—Enabled
5508: An error occurred connecting to the WMI namespace. Check to make sure the Windows Management Instrumentation service is not disabled (error code %1).
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—This alert occurs if there is an error with the Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) service. Verify that you have it installed on the Double-Take server and that it is enabled.
SCOM alert—Enabled
5600: Part or all of the e-mail setting %1 is not in a valid format.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—Verify that the include categories and exclude ID list are identified and formatted correctly.
SCOM alert—Enabled
6000: %1
Event log—Application
Source—Double-Take Management Service
Type or Level—Information
User action required—This is a placeholder message for many other messages. See the specific log message for additional details.
SCOM alert—Disabled
6001: %1
Event log—Application
Source—Double-Take Management Service
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—This is a placeholder message for many other messages. See the specific log message for additional details.
SCOM alert—Enabled
6002: %1
Event log—Application
Source—Double-Take Management Service
Type or Level—Error
User action required—This is a placeholder message for many other messages. See the specific log message for additional details.
SCOM alert—Enabled
6003: A %1 job has been created. The name is "%2" and the ID is %3.
Event log—Application
Source—Double-Take Management Service
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
6004: The %1 job "%2" (ID %3) has been started.
Event log—Application
Source—Double-Take Management Service
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
6005: The %1 job "%2" (ID %3) has been stopped.
Event log—Application
Source—Double-Take Management Service
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required. If desired, you can restart your job.
SCOM alert—Enabled
6006: The %1 job "%2" (ID %3) has been deleted.
Event log—Application
Source—Double-Take Management Service
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required. If desired, you can re-create your job.
SCOM alert—Enabled
6007: The %1 operation has failed for the %2 job "%3" (ID %4).
Event log—Application
Source—Double-Take Management Service
Type or Level—Error
User action required—No action required. If desired, you can re-create your job.
SCOM alert—Enabled
6008: The %1 operation has completed successfully for the %2 job "%3" (ID %4).
Event log—Application
Source—Double-Take Management Service
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
6009: Could not log the following message:%n%1%n---%nError:%n%2.
Event log—Application
Source—Double-Take Management Service
Type or Level—Error
User action required—There is a problem with logging. Contact technical support if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
6010: A failover condition has been met for the %1 job "%2" (ID %3).
Event log—Application
Source—Double-Take Management Service
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—Check your source machine and initiate failover, if user intervention for failover is configured. If you bring your source machine back online without initiating failover, the failover condition met state will be canceled.
SCOM alert—Enabled
6011: The source machine (IP %1) is not responding to a ping from monitor %2 (ID %3).
Event log—Application
Source—Double-Take Management Service
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Check your source machine and initiate failover, if user intervention for failover is configured. If you bring your source machine back online without initiating failover, the source machine should start responding to the ping.
SCOM alert—Enabled
6050: The service has detected that port %1 is RESTRICTED in the Windows Firewall. This port is critical to the operation of the Double-Take Management Service.
Event log—Application
Source—Double-Take Management Service
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Verify the specified firewall port is open for Double-Take traffic.
SCOM alert—Enabled
6051: The service has detected that port %1 is BLOCKED in the Windows Firewall. This port is critical to the operation of the Double-Take Management Service.
Event log—Application
Source—Double-Take Management Service
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Verify the specified firewall port is open for Double-Take traffic.
SCOM alert—Enabled
6100: The job "%1" (ID %2) has started provisioning a replica for %3.
Event log—Application
Source—Double-Take Management Service
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
6101: The job "%1" (ID %2) has successfully completed provisioning a replica for %3.
Event log—Application
Source—Double-Take Management Service
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
6102: The job "%1" (ID %2) has failed to provision a replica for %3.%n%n
Event log—Application
Source—Double-Take Management Service
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Review the additional error information to identify the problem. Correct the problem and retry the operation. Contact technical support if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
6110: The job "%1" (ID %2) has started a %3 failover of the replica of %4.
Event log—Application
Source—Double-Take Management Service
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
6111: The job "%1" (ID %2) has successfully completed a %3 failover of the replica of %4.
Event log—Application
Source—Double-Take Management Service
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
6112: The job "%1" (ID %2) has encountered an error while performing a %3 failover of the replica of %4.%n%n
Event log—Application
Source—Double-Take Management Service
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Review the additional error information to identify the problem. Correct the problem and retry the operation. Contact technical support if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
6120: The job "%1" (ID %2) has started undoing the failover for the replica of %3.
Event log—Application
Source—Double-Take Management Service
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
6121: The job "%1" (ID %2) has successfully reattached the replica and resumed protecting %3.
Event log—Application
Source—Double-Take Management Service
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
6122: The job "%1" (ID %2) has encountered an error undoing the failing over for the replica of %3.%n%n
Event log—Application
Source—Double-Take Management Service
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Review the additional error information to identify the problem. Correct the problem and retry the operation. Contact technical support if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
6130: The job "%1" (ID %2) has started reversing the direction of the protection of %3.
Event log—Application
Source—Double-Take Management Service
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
6131: The job "%1" (ID %2) has successfully reversed the direction of the protection of %3.
Event log—Application
Source—Double-Take Management Service
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
6132: The job "%1" (ID %2) has encountered an error reversing the direction of the protection of %3.%n%n
Event log—Application
Source—Double-Take Management Service
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Review the additional error information to identify the problem. Correct the problem and retry the operation. Contact technical support if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
6140: The job "%1" (ID %2) is being deleted.
Event log—Application
Source—Double-Take Management Service
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
6141: The job "%1" (ID %2) has successfully been deleted.
Event log—Application
Source—Double-Take Management Service
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
6142: The job "%1" (ID %2) has encountered an error while being deleted.%n%n
Event log—Application
Source—Double-Take Management Service
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Review the additional error information to identify the problem. Correct the problem and retry the operation. Contact technical support if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
6150: The job "%1" (ID %2) protecting %3 has completed its mirror.
Event log—Application
Source—Double-Take Management Service
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
6210: The job "%1" (ID %2) has started a %3 failover of the replica of %4.
Event log—Application
Source—Double-Take Management Service
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
6211: The job "%1" (ID %2) has successfully completed a %3 failover of the replica of %4.
Event log—Application
Source—Double-Take Management Service
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
6212: The job "%1" (ID %2) has encountered an error while performing a %3 failover of the replica of %4.%n%n
Event log—Application
Source—Double-Take Management Service
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Review the additional error information to identify the problem. Correct the problem and retry the operation. Contact technical support if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
6213: A failover condition has been met for the host level job "%1" (ID %2).
Event log—Application
Source—Double-Take Management Service
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—Check your source machine and initiate failover, if user intervention for failover is configured. If you bring your source machine back online without initiating failover, the failover condition met state will be canceled.
SCOM alert—Enabled
6214: Failover monitors removed for the host level job "%1" (ID %2).
Event log—Application
Source—Double-Take Management Service
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required. The failover pending state has been canceled because the job has been stopped, deleted, or failed over.
SCOM alert—Enabled
6215: The job "%1" (ID %2) is protecting.
Event log—Application
Source—Double-Take Management Service
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
6220: The job "%1" (ID %2) has started undoing the failover for the replica of %3.
Event log—Application
Source—Double-Take Management Service
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
6221: The job "%1" (ID %2) has successfully reattached the replica and resumed protecting %3.
Event log—Application
Source—Double-Take Management Service
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
6222: The job "%1" (ID %2) has encountered an error undoing the failing over for the replica of %3.%n%n
Event log—Application
Source—Double-Take Management Service
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Review the additional error information to identify the problem. Correct the problem and retry the operation. Contact technical support if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
6230: The job "%1" (ID %2) has started reversing the direction of the protection of %3.
Event log—Application
Source—Double-Take Management Service
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
6231: The job "%1" (ID %2) has successfully reversed the direction of the protection of %3.
Event log—Application
Source—Double-Take Management Service
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
6232: The job "%1" (ID %2) has encountered an error reversing the direction of the protection of %3.%n%n
Event log—Application
Source—Double-Take Management Service
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Review the additional error information to identify the problem. Correct the problem and retry the operation. Contact technical support if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
6240: The job "%1" (ID %2) is being deleted.
Event log—Application
Source—Double-Take Management Service
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
6241: The job "%1" (ID %2) has successfully been deleted.
Event log—Application
Source—Double-Take Management Service
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
6242: The job "%1" (ID %2) has encountered an error while being deleted.%n%n
Event log—Application
Source—Double-Take Management Service
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Review the additional error information to identify the problem. Correct the problem and retry the operation. Contact technical support if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
6250: The job "%1" (ID %2) protecting %3 has completed its mirror.
Event log—Application
Source—Double-Take Management Service
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
6300: A failover condition has been met for the full server job "%1" (ID %2).
Event log—Application
Source—Double-Take Management Service
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—Check your source machine and initiate failover, if user intervention for failover is configured. If you bring your source machine back online without initiating failover, the failover condition met state will be canceled.
SCOM alert—Enabled
6500: A cutover condition has been met for the full server migration job "%1" (ID %2).
Event log—Application
Source—Double-Take Management Service
Type or Level—Information
User action required—Initiate cutover.
SCOM alert—Enabled
6700: A cutover condition has been met for the data migration job "%1" (ID %2).
Event log—Application
Source—Double-Take Management Service
Type or Level—Information
User action required—Initiate cutover.
SCOM alert—Enabled
7000: Usage reporting enabled.
Event log—Application
Source—Double-Take Management Service
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
7001: Usage reporting disabled.
Event log—Application
Source—Double-Take Management Service
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
7002: Usage reporter could not be initialized due to an error. Fix the configuration file and reload the usage reporter.
Event log—Application
Source—Double-Take Management Service
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Contact your Double-Take service provider.
SCOM alert—Enabled
7003: User ID "%1" rejected by licensing service. Verify that the user ID is correct in the configuration file and reload the usage reporter.
Event log—Application
Source—Double-Take Management Service
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—Contact your Double-Take service provider.
SCOM alert—Enabled
7106: The driver was unable to get valid name information from the Filter Manager for the file %2. (Filename may be truncated.) It cannot be replicated. Please contact technical support.
Event log—System
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Contact technical support.
SCOM alert—Enabled
7107: The driver was unable to get valid name information from the Filter Manager for a file. It cannot be replicated. Please contact technical support.
Event log—System
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Contact technical support.
SCOM alert—Enabled
8100: The driver encountered an unrecoverable internal error. Contact technical support. The last Word in the Data window is the internal error code.
Event log—System
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Contact technical support.
SCOM alert—Enabled
8192: Driver failed to allocate Kernel memory. Replication is stopped and server must be rebooted for replication to continue. The last word in the data window is the tag of the allocation that failed.
Event log—System
Source—RepDrv, RepKap, or RepHsm
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Reboot the server and contact technical support if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
8192: Kernel memory is exhausted. Replication is stopped. This may have been caused by low system resources.
Event log—System
Source—RepDrv or RepHsm
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Reboot the server and contact technical support if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
8193: The driver failed to create a thread required for normal operation. This may have been caused by low system resources. Reboot your server and contact technical support if this error occurs again. The last Word in the Data window is the NT status code.
Event log—System
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Reboot the server and contact technical support if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
8196: The maximum amount of memory for replication queuing has been reached. Replication is stopped and memory is being freed.
Event log—System
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—This error is expected when the amount of replication exceeds what can be queued and transmitted on the source server. You do not have to take any action because Double-Take will automatically disconnect, reconnect and remirror (by default) when memory resources are available. However, you may want to consider changes to the source that will reduce the load on the server. See Knowledge Base Article 32410 on the support site for details on the 8196 event and possible steps you can take on your server to help alleviate this condition.
SCOM alert—Enabled
8198: The driver registry path could not be saved. The default registry path will be used.
Event log—System
Source—RepDrv, RepKap, or RepHsm
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
8200: The driver failed to allocate a buffer for a file name longer than 260 characters. The file will be skipped. The last Word in the Data window is the NT status code.
Event log—System
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—Reboot the server and contact technical support if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
9000: The driver has failed to process a rename operation. The driver will resend the rename operation. This message is only a warning. If you receive this message repeatedly, contact technical support. The last Word in the Data window is the NT status code.
Event log—System
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—Contact technical support if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
9100: The driver encountered an error opening a file from the service. Check the Event Viewer Application log for additional service information or contact technical support. The last Word in the Data window is the exception code.
Event log—System
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Check for related service messages. Contact technical support if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
9101: The driver encountered an error reading from the service input buffer. Check the Event Viewer Application log for additional service information or contact technical support. The last Word in the Data window is the exception code.
Event log—System
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Check for related service messages. Contact technical support if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
9102: The driver encountered an error writing to the service output buffer. Check the Event Viewer Application log for additional service information or contact technical support. The last Word in the Data window is the exception code.
Event log—System
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Check for related service messages. Contact technical support if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
9103: The driver encountered an error writing to the service input buffer. Check the Event Viewer Application log for additional service information or contact technical support. The last Word in the Data window is the exception code.
Event log—System
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Check for related service messages. Contact technical support if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
9104: The driver encountered an error querying for file security from the service input buffer. Check the Event Viewer Application log for additional service information or contact technical support. The last Word in the Data window is the exception code.
Event log—System
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Check for related service messages. Contact technical support if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
9105: The driver encountered an error querying for file security from the service input buffer. Check the Event Viewer Application log for additional service information or contact technical support. The last Word in the Data window is the exception code.
Event log—System
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Check for related service messages. Contact technical support if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
9106: The driver encountered an error writing file security data to the service input buffer. Check the Event Viewer Application log for additional service information or contact technical support. The last Word in the Data window is the exception code.
Event log—System
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Check for related service messages. Contact technical support if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
9107: The driver encountered an error querying for an allocated range from the service input buffer. Check the Event Viewer Application log for additional service information or contact technical support. The last Word in the Data window is the exception code.
Event log—System
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Check for related service messages. Contact technical support if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
9108: The driver encountered an error querying for an allocated range from the service output buffer. Check the Event Viewer Application log for additional service information or contact technical support. The last Word in the Data window is the exception code.
Event log—System
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Check for related service messages. Contact technical support if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
9109: The driver encountered an error writing an allocated range to the service input buffer. Check the Event Viewer Application log for additional service information or contact technical support. The last Word in the Data window is the exception code.
Event log—System
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Check for related service messages. Contact technical support if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
9110: The driver encountered an error querying for a directory from the service input buffer. Check the Event Viewer Application log for additional service information or contact technical support. The last Word in the Data window is the exception code.
Event log—System
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Check for related service messages. Contact technical support if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
9111: The driver encountered an error querying for a directory from the service output buffer. Check the Event Viewer Application log for additional service information or contact technical support. The last Word in the Data window is the exception code.
Event log—System
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Check for related service messages. Contact technical support if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
9112: The driver encountered an error writing a directory query to the service input buffer. Check the Event Viewer Application log for additional service information or contact technical support. The last Word in the Data window is the exception code.
Event log—System
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Check for related service messages. Contact technical support if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
9113: The driver encountered an error querying a stream from the service input buffer. Check the Event Viewer Application log for additional service information or contact technical support. The last Word in the Data window is the exception code.
Event log—System
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Check for related service messages. Contact technical support if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
9114: The driver encountered an error writing a stream query to the service output buffer. Check the Event Viewer Application log for additional service information or contact technical support. The last Word in the Data window is the exception code.
Event log—System
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Check for related service messages. Contact technical support if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
9115: The driver encountered an error writing a stream query to the service output buffer. Check the Event Viewer Application log for additional service information or contact technical support. The last Word in the Data window is the exception code.
Event log—System
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Check for related service messages. Contact technical support if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
9116: The driver has failed to close a file handle. If you receive this message repeatedly, contact technical support. The last Word in the Data window is the NT status code.
Event log—System
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Contact technical support.
SCOM alert—Enabled
9117: The driver encountered an error querying for extended attributes from the service input buffer. Check the Event Viewer Application log for additional service information or contact technical support. The last Word in the Data window is the exception code.
Event log—System
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Check for related service messages. Contact technical support if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
9118: The driver encountered an error writing extended attributes to the service output buffer. Check the Event Viewer Application log for additional service information or contact technical support. The last Word in the Data window is the exception code.
Event log—System
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Check for related service messages. Contact technical support if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
9119: The driver encountered an error writing extended attributes status to the service input buffer. Check the Event Viewer Application log for additional service information or contact technical support. The last Word in the Data window is the exception code.
Event log—System
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Check for related service messages. Contact technical support if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
9120: The driver encountered an error querying for file information from the service input buffer. Check the Event Viewer Application log for additional service information or contact technical support. The last Word in the Data window is the exception code.
Event log—System
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Check for related service messages. Contact technical support if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
9121: The driver encountered an error writing file information to the service output buffer. Check the Event Viewer Application log for additional service information or contact technical support. The last Word in the Data window is the exception code.
Event log—System
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Check for related service messages. Contact technical support if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
9122: The driver encountered an error writing file information status to the service input buffer. Check the Event Viewer Application log for additional service information or contact technical support. The last Word in the Data window is the exception code.
Event log—System
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Check for related service messages. Contact technical support if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
9123: The driver encountered an error querying for fsctl information from the service input buffer. Check the Event Viewer Application log for additional service information or contact technical support. The last Word in the Data window is the exception code.
Event log—System
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Check for related service messages. Contact technical support if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
9124: The driver encountered an error writing fsctl information to the service output buffer. Check the Event Viewer Application log for additional service information or contact technical support. The last Word in the Data window is the exception code.
Event log—System
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Check for related service messages. Contact technical support if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
9125: The driver encountered an error writing fsctl status to the service input buffer. Check the Event Viewer Application log for additional service information or contact technical support. The last Word in the Data window is the exception code.
Event log—System
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Check for related service messages. Contact technical support if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
9126: The driver encountered an error reading from the service input buffer, KFAI_OPEN_BY_FILE_ID. Check the Event Viewer Application log for additional service information or contact technical support. The last Word in the Data window is the exception code
Event log—System
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Check for related service messages. Contact technical support if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
9127: The driver encountered an error writing to the service output buffer, KFAI_OPEN_BY_FILE_ID. Check the Event Viewer Application log for additional service information or contact technical support. The last Word in the Data window is the exception code.
Event log—System
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Check for related service messages. Contact technical support if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
9128: The driver encountered an error reading from the service input buffer, KFAI_QUERY_INFO. Check the Event Viewer Application log for additional service information or contact technical support. The last Word in the Data window is the exception code.
Event log—System
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Check for related service messages. Contact technical support if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
9129: The driver encountered an error writing to the service output buffer, KFAI_QUERY_INFO. Check the Event Viewer Application log for additional service information or contact technical support. The last Word in the Data window is the exception code.
Event log—System
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Check for related service messages. Contact technical support if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
10000: This message is only a placeholder warning. The last Word in the Data window is the NT status code.
Event log—System
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
10000: Connect failed to node %1 for resource %2. Adding node to reconnect list.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Ensure that GeoCluster is running on all possible owners and that it can communicate on the network selected for mirroring and replication traffic. GeoCluster will try to reestablish a connection using the check unresponsive node interval specified for the resource.
SCOM alert—Enabled
10001: Reconnect succeeded to node %1 for resource %2. Will be added as a possible owner when mirror is complete.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Disabled
10002: Disk check failed on node %1 for resource %2. Removing as a possible owner.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Ensure that GeoCluster is running on all possible owners and that it can communicate on the public network. Also ensure that the disk specified for the resource is functioning correctly on all possible owners.
SCOM alert—Enabled
10003: Owner %1 of the quorum resource %2 couldn't access the arbitration path %3. Network may be down.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Ensure that the network used to access the arbitration path is up and that the server is operational. Also ensure that the arbitration share path does exist and that the account running the cluster service has write privileges to the share path.
SCOM alert—Enabled
10004: Failover of the group %1 is being delayed. Group will be brought online when the target queue is below the limit or the timeout has expired.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
10005: Node %1 is taking ownership of the group %2. The group will be brought online on this node.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Disabled
10006: The cluster notification thread failed to start on node %1 for resource %2. The resource should be taken offline and brought back online.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—Take the resource offline and bring it back online.
SCOM alert—Enabled
10007: The user %1 has reverted a snapshot for the %2 resource on node %3.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—No action required. The snapshot you selected will be reverted.
SCOM alert—Enabled
10008: The user %1 has discarded queued data for the %2 resource on node %3.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—No action required. The queue you selected will be discarded.
SCOM alert—Enabled
10009: The user %1 is verifying data for the %2 resource on node %3.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—A snapshot of the current data has been taken. After you have verified the data, accept or reject the data.
SCOM alert—Enabled
10010: The user %1 has rejected the data for the %2 resource on node %3.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—No action required. Since the data was rejected, the data has been reverted to the snapshot taken when the data was selected for verification.
SCOM alert—Enabled
10011: The user %1 has accepted the data for the %2 resource on node %3.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—No action required. The current data will be used.
SCOM alert—Enabled
10012: The GeoCluster Replicated Disk resource %1 has been set to validate its data. No data replication is occurring to the remaining nodes in the cluster. Please Accept or Reject the data by right-clicking on the resource and selecting the appropriate option.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—Replication has been stopped because of the validation request. Accept or reject the data on the node by right-clicking on the resource and selecting the appropriate option.
SCOM alert—Enabled
10100: The driver could not recall a file because it did not have a token for impersonation. The security provider service should set this token. The last Word in the Data window is the exception code.
Event log—System
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Contact technical support if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
10101: The driver could not access the file in the archive bin, due to a failed impersonation attempt. The last Word in the Data window is the exception code.
Event log—System
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Contact technical support if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
10102: The driver could not recall the file. The last Word in the Data window is the exception code.
Event log—System
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Contact technical support if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
11000: Service has started an archive to %1 (%2) for Replication Set %3, ID: %4
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
11001: Service has completed an archive to %1 (%2) for Replication Set %3, ID: %4, %5
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
11002: Service has started a recall from %1 (%2) for Replication Set %3, ID: %4
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
11003: Service has completed a recall from %1 (%2) for Replication Set %3, ID: %4, %5
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
11004: Service has failed connection to the RepHSM driver. %1
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—Reboot the server or manually restart the RepHSM.sys driver.
SCOM alert—Enabled
11005: Service has aborted the archive operation.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—Verify the activation code on the source and target is valid for archiving. Reboot an unlicensed server.
SCOM alert—Enabled
11006: Service has aborted the archive recall operation.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—Verify the activation code on the source and target is valid for archiving. Reboot an unlicensed server.
SCOM alert—Enabled
11007: Verification has finished with errors. %1
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—Review the verification log to correct or accept the errors.
SCOM alert—Enabled
11008: Archive feature is not supported on volume %1
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—The source and target must be NTFS for archiving functionality.
SCOM alert—Enabled
11009: Service has started an archive preview to %1 (%2) for Replication Set %3, ID: %4
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
11010: Service has completed an archive preview to %1 (%2) for Replication Set %3, ID: %4
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
11011: Service has aborted the archive preview operation.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—Verify the activation code on the source and target is valid for archiving. Reboot an unlicensed server.
SCOM alert—Enabled
12000: The service has started.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—This message refers to the Double-Take Recall service. No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
12001: The service failed to start.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Check the user name and password for the Double-Take Recall service to ensure validity. Reinstall the software if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
12002: The service has stopped.
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Information
User action required—This message indicates a system shutdown or the user stopped the Double-Take Recall service. No action is required.
SCOM alert—Enabled
12003: The service failed to create a stop control event. (Error %1)
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Restart the Double-Take Recall service. Reinstall the software if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
12004: RegisterServiceCtrlHandler failed. (Error %1)
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Restart the Double-Take Recall service. Reinstall the software if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
12005: Service encountered SetServiceStatus error (Error %1)
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Restart the Double-Take Recall service. Reinstall the software if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
12006: Service could not get handle to driver for security update. (Error %1)
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Error
User action required—The Double-Take Recall service could not connect to the Double-Take Recall archiving driver. Reboot the server and reinstall the software if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
12007: Service failed a periodic security update. (Error %1)
Event log—Application
Type or Level—Warning
User action required—This message refers to the Double-Take Recall service. The operation will be performed every five minutes. Reinstall the software if this event occurs after five minutes.
SCOM alert—Enabled
12288: The driver encountered an error accessing a buffer from the service. Contact technical support. The last Word in the Data window is the exception code.
Event log—System
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Contact technical support.
SCOM alert—Enabled
16384: The driver encountered an unrecoverable error. Contact technical support.
Event log—System
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Contact technical support.
SCOM alert—Enabled
16385: The driver encountered an unexpected internal result. Contact technical support. The last Word in the Data window is the NT status code.
Event log—System
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Contact technical support.
SCOM alert—Enabled
16393: The driver encountered an internal error. Contact technical support. The last Word in the Data window is the internal error code.
Event log—System
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Contact technical support.
SCOM alert—Enabled
16395: The driver detected a memory error which may have been caused by a bad driver or faulty hardware. Contact technical support. The last Word in the Data window is the internal error code.
Event log—System
Source—RepDrv or RepHsm
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Contact technical support.
SCOM alert—Enabled
16396: The driver failed to create work queues for normal operation. This may have been caused by low system resources. Reboot the server and contact technical support if this error occurs again. The last Word in the Data window is the NT status code.
Event log—System
Type or Level—Error
User action required—Reboot the server and contact technical support if this event occurs again.
SCOM alert—Enabled
16400: RepDrv has encountered an unexpected condition, usually caused by low kernel memory. Unless otherwise mentioned, this event has already been handled and your data remains protected. If you continue to receive these events or have further questions please contact tech support.
Event log—System
Type or Level—Information
User action required—No action required.
SCOM alert—Enabled