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You are here: Welcome to the Double-Take Availability User's Guide
Welcome to the Double-Take Availability User's Guide
Version 7.0, Friday, July 19, 2013
Check the Vision Solutions support web site
for the most up-to-date version of this documentation.
This online documentation is designed to help you find detailed information about Double-Take Availability. Use the Table of Contents pane on the left to explore the different sections or use Search or Index to find specific topics. Below are some of the most useful and most accessed topics in the online documentation.
To view the documentation for all Double-Take products, select Help, Double-Take Documentation from the Double-Take Console.
Getting started
Frequently used pages
- Managing servers—This section includes details on how to add servers to the console, view and edit server properties, and other server related tasks.
- Selecting a protection type—This section helps you identify the right type of job for your environment and protection needs.
- Monitoring tools—This section includes all of the various monitoring tools available, outside of the Double-Take Console.
- Product Updates—Check your service agreement to determine which updates and new releases you may be eligible for. Product updates can be obtained from the support web site.
- Sales—If you need maintenance renewal, an upgrade activation code, or other sales assistance, contact your reseller/distributor or a Vision Solutions sales representative. Contact information is available on the Vision Solutions Worldwide Locations and Contacts web page.
- Technical Support—If you need technical assistance, you can contact CustomerCare. All basic configurations outlined in the online documentation will be supported through CustomerCare. Your technical support center is dependent on the reseller or distributor you purchased your product from and is identified on your service agreement. If you do not have access to this agreement, contact CustomerCare and they will direct you to the correct service provider. To contact CustomerCare, you will need your serial number and activation code. Contact information is available on the Vision Solutions CustomerCare web page.
- Professional Services—Assistance and support for advanced configurations may be referred to a Pre-Sales Systems Engineer or to Professional Services. For more information, see the Windows and Linux tab on the Vision Solutions Consulting Services web page.
- Training—Classroom and computer-based training are available. For more information, see the Double-Take Product Training web page.
- Documentation—Please forward any comments or suggestions about this online documentation to
- Linux man pages—Man pages are installed and available on Double-Take Linux servers. These documents are bound by the same Vision Solutions license agreement as the software installation. Check the support web site for the most up-to-date version of these files.
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