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From the Manage Jobs page, highlight the job and click View Job Details in the toolbar.
Review the following table to understand the detailed information about your job displayed on the View Job Details page.
Job name
The name of the job
Job type
Each job type has a unique job type name. This job is a Full Server Failover job. For a complete list of all job type names, press F1 to view the Double-Take Console online help.
The job is in a healthy state.
The job is in a warning state.
The job is in an error state.
The job is in an unknown state.
There are many different Activity messages that keep you informed of the job activity. Most of the activity messages are informational and do not require any administrator interaction. If you see error messages, check the rest of the job details.
Connection ID
The incremental counter used to number connections. The number is incremented when a connection is created. It is also incremented by internal actions, such as an auto-disconnect and auto-reconnect. The lowest available number (as connections are created, stopped, deleted, and so on) will always be used. The counter is reset to one each time the Double-Take service is restarted.
Transmit mode
Target data state
Target route
The IP address on the target used for Double-Take transmissions.
Bandwidth limit
If bandwidth limiting has been set, this statistic identifies the limit. The keyword Unlimited means there is no bandwidth limit set for the job.
Connected since
The date and time indicating when the current job was made. This field is blank, indicating that a TCP/IP socket is not present, when the job is waiting on transmit options or if the transmission has been stopped. This field will maintain the date and time, indicating that a TCP/IP socket is present, when transmission has been paused.
Additional information
Depending on the current state of your job, you may see additional information displayed to keep you informed about the progress and status of your job. If there is no additional information, you will see (None) displayed.
Mirror status
Mirror percent complete
The percentage of the mirror that has been completed
Mirror remaining
The total number of mirror bytes that are remaining to be sent from the source to the target
Mirror skipped
The total number of bytes that have been skipped when performing a difference or checksum mirror. These bytes are skipped because the data is not different on the source and target.
Replication status
Replication queue
The total number of replication bytes in the source queue
Disk queue
The amount of disk space being used to queue data on the source
Bytes sent
The total number of mirror and replication bytes that have been transmitted to the target
Bytes sent compressed
The total number of compressed mirror and replication bytes that have been transmitted to the target. If compression is disabled, this statistic will be the same as Bytes sent.
Target Server Image
When a full server job is created with reverse protection enabled, an image of the target's system state is stored on the source server. This image allows you to reverse your source and target after a failover. To improve performance, the target's system state is not continuously replicated to the source. You should manually update the image of the target's system state by clicking Update if there is a change on the target. For example, if the credentials on the target server are updated, you should update the target server image that is on the source. This reverse protection mirror may cause a performance impact on your source server. This impact is only temporary, and system performance will return to normal when the reverse protection mirror is complete.